View Full Version : More Important To Look Good....

Stan Malinowski
11-10-2003, 12:17 PM
Stealing a line form Bill Crystal's SNL Impression of Fernando Lamas....

"It's more imprtant to look good than to feel good".

The talk in another thread about the the Tyler headstock design poses an interesting question:

If a guitar played and sounded better than any guitar you hae ever played....BUT...was as OJ said Butt A** ugly, would you buy it and play it in public?

11-10-2003, 12:25 PM
Never! To me, it has to sound great and at least look presentable. I tried out a used Tyler once, and it sounded great. But there was no way I was even thinking of buying it given how ugly it was.

11-10-2003, 01:00 PM
vanity sucks but it will never go away!

i mean, as soon as you "wear" a guitar "it" then becomes a fashion statement.

that's what makes bass players so easy to get along with - they gladly slither away, sans jaco, from the mainstream spotlight.

and you gotta admit - electric bass guitars are pretty dang ugly.

Stan Malinowski
11-10-2003, 04:39 PM
My nephew (22 years old) loves the odd shaped BC Rich Guitars.....I just don't get it (I'm 44 years old). I could never picture myself getting caught dead in public with ugly guitars like those!!!

John Price
11-10-2003, 08:18 PM
Personally I don't find the Tyler guitars to be ugly, so I would have no problem playing it live!!

I do have my limits but if I was forced to play a guitar that has a great tone and looks butt ugly I would take it over a great piece of furniture......