View Full Version : Compressor / Sustainer

09-29-2004, 10:56 AM
Years ago when I first purchased a electric guitar I also picked up a DOD FX80-B to play with a classic 30.
First question is.... Is this a reliable / decent stomp or should be a new door stop? Second, is this a true bypass pedal (I can not find information on the web to answer)? Third, where should a compressor / sustainer be placed in the pedal board for the best results?
If the DOD is a crummy pedal, what other compressor / sustainers should I look at?


09-29-2004, 11:48 AM
#1- Send it to me and I'll test it for you. If it sounds good and seems reliable I'll send it back to you. That way you will feel confident in knowing that it was tested by someone who is qualified to make such a judgement. If it's no good, I'll dispose of it for you (unless you were serious about that doorstop thing).

#2- Definitley not true bypass.

#3- Compressor should be early in the chain, typically right after the guitar.

#4- If you decide you need a compressor and this one fails my test, you should buy as many as you can to determine which one you like best. I will be happy to test any that you send my way and dispose of the bad ones for you.

PM me for my address and my hourly rates for stomp box qualification testing/disposal and we'll get the ball rolling.

09-29-2004, 01:22 PM
i'd also be happy to be a pedal tester. i'l do it for half of whatever kb charges.
i like the barber compressor

09-29-2004, 01:40 PM
How about a trade? I can test Anderson guitars and you can test stomp pedals and such?

09-29-2004, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by tom
i'd also be happy to be a pedal tester. i'l do it for half of whatever kb charges.
i like the barber compressor

Oh, so it's like that? OK- Anybody in the market for a new guitar, I'll make you one for half of what Tom charges. How do you like that, Tom?

09-29-2004, 02:35 PM
ok, you can test the pedals. if you find one you really like, you can send it to me before you send it back to the rightful owner. i can't handle the competition on the guitar front.

09-29-2004, 03:03 PM

09-29-2004, 09:34 PM
Okay you guys to that, and then I'll do the complete beta test routine to it... drop test, liquids spilled into/onto test, heat/cold test... I've got a lot of experience!


I'm using a Way Huge Saffron Squeeze compressor and loving it. Mr. Huge also just completed the new Line 6 ToneCore compressor and said he likes it a lot.
