View Full Version : Power amps and racks

09-26-2004, 12:51 PM
i'm looking for a power amp for my rack setup, wich consists of an egnater IE4 and an eventide dsp 400 so for,i'm totally in love with the mesa boogie strategy 400, but ist is super rare to find a european version unit, and ultra-expensive(2500 euros,almost 3000$).
What sbout vht units, new and old?
people rave over 2/90/2 and 2/50/2 in harmony central

09-27-2004, 06:27 AM
people usually rave about whatever they own, so take that with a grain of salt.

during my rack years, i had a 50/50, then went to the the stereo 2:90. Both worked well, the 50/50 was not as thick as the 2:90, which i liked better, and as an added benifit you could loose half of your hearing :) that thing is loud.


09-29-2004, 09:47 PM
I've had rigs with Mesa 295, a simul-ized Mesa Strategy 400, Mesa Simul 2:90, Mesa 50/50, VHT 2/50/2, and even one with a QSC amp.

Favorites (in order)
1. original Mesa 295
2. VHT 2/50/2
3. Mesa 50/50
4. Mesa Simul 2:90

The VHT amps are quite nice. The 2/50/2 gets plenty loud, although it does have a bit of fan noise.

The 295 was a favorite because it wasa sweet, punchy, and felt very "amp like".

Hope this helps,