View Full Version : EL34's in Lonestar?

09-25-2004, 09:56 AM
I know a few of you guys use Lonestars and am wondering if any have tried EL34's in them. I really like the sound (especially the clean channel) of mine but for the sake of trying a few different things am wondering if it is worth switching out the 6L6's for EL34's.



John Price
09-26-2004, 10:05 AM
I haven't tried it yet! I've been so happy with the way it sounds with the 6L6's so much that I haven't been tempted to put the EL 34's in!
I do have a set of 34's sitting around and will try it soon!......

09-26-2004, 11:29 AM
I went out yesterday and got some EL34's to give it a try. While I absolutely love the clean channel, the gain channel just felt a little off for me. The new tubes didn't change the clean bounce but added some mid harmonics to the gain channel. Nothing overly dramatic but just a nice touch to bring it closer in line to what I had hoped for.

09-29-2004, 08:37 PM
I was wandering what Anderson you guys are using with your Lone Star and also what pedals you like with it?

Jimmie B

09-30-2004, 09:17 AM
I use a HDT and Hermida Zendrive....work great together.


John Price
09-30-2004, 07:04 PM
I'm using a Hollow Drop Top H/S/S Mahogany Back With Quilted Maple Top, Solid Maple Neck, Trem...Deep Ocean Blue....

Effects:I have in front of the amp Dunlop cry baby (looking to get a fulltone) into my Strobostomp- MXR phase 90- RC or AC Booster- AMP.

In the loop: Boss CH1-Boss D20- adjust mix to taste.....

09-30-2004, 09:25 PM
Thanks for the response... The Zendrive is that a overdrive or distortion type pedal?

I'm very interested in the Exotic RC and AC... I'm using the Fat Boost and a SparkleDrive, the a Fulldrive II, for clean boost, overdrive , and distortion respectively. The Fulldrive II I also use as an overdrive warmer than the SparkleDrive. I'm considering tring or possibly replacing my Fat Boost with the RC and maybe the SparkleDrive with an AC. I was really impressed with the sound bites on the Exotic website.
I'm using a Fulltone Clyde, a Deja' Vibe, a '75 MRX Phase 45, the drive pedals I mentioned, and a ChoraleFlange, I'm still deciding on my delay. I've got a TC D-Two and I'm using it in the loop. The only reason I don't like it is because I'm tring to get away from rack stuff. It's not enough for me to sell it. Actually it's probably one of the finest delay out.

Jimmie B

10-01-2004, 09:30 AM
The Zendrive is a great overdrive.....there is a very nice demo of it Joe did posted in a thread here.