View Full Version : Happy 1000 posts for Tom!

09-25-2004, 12:31 AM
Let's hear it for the guy that is in here the most...

Happy 1000 Tom!

09-25-2004, 02:29 AM
This is why TAG is one of the tops in the business. Thank you Tom for making yourself so available to your customers.

Scott Peterson
09-25-2004, 08:06 AM
It is indeed testament to Tom's approachability. Kudos. Class act all the way around.

Jack Gretz
09-25-2004, 08:37 AM
Tom, thanks for making the Anderson Forum and warm, easy, and "have to place" to visit everyday.

09-25-2004, 08:47 AM
Okay, now we're waiting for the 2000th post!
i'm sure with the new model it will be soon.;)

and, btw, thanks tom!

09-25-2004, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by bruce
Let's hear it for the guy that is in here the most...

Happy 1000 Tom!

tom, you're the best! thanks for participating and furthering our understanding of your guitars.

09-26-2004, 01:16 AM
To have Tom available on this fantastic forum and see his dedication to customer service is one of the many reasons why Anderson guitars are the best around. :)

09-26-2004, 01:52 PM
1000 posts and every single one of them was informative, generous and kind.

What a guy!

09-26-2004, 03:13 PM

Thanks for not only creating the worlds finest guitars, but for always being available... Even when we harrassed you mercilessly over the new 'Beast'. Happy creating! I'm sure it's going to be amazing.

Jimmie B

09-26-2004, 09:05 PM
thanks to all. this has become an addiction for me. i really appreciate everyone's tone and helpfullness here. i have tried other forums, but i never last long because people are just mean. buckeroo says "you don't have to be mean".
we took delivery of our mini cooper this week, so i may miss a little in the next couple weeks. too much fun.

Stan Malinowski
09-27-2004, 07:29 AM
Congratulations and thanks Tom for being such a big part of the forum!

10-01-2004, 06:25 AM
Hi Tom.

I agree with this all opinions.

Thank you very much for making each minute I play my TA unforgetable.
