View Full Version : danny gatton telecaster

09-20-2004, 10:27 AM
anyone played one?

what are they like?

what do bardens soundlike?

is it that different from a normal custom shop t?

thoughts pls?


Marty S Horne
09-20-2004, 01:58 PM
I played one and thought it was a nice guitar but not for me. The neck was round and fat and played well. The Bardens are single coil sized humbuckers that are loud, clean, and very bright. Since it is an expensive guitar and kind of an idiosyncratic one, I would suggest trying one out first before buying. Fender Custom Shop guitars do not have the best resale value.

Marty S Horne
09-21-2004, 10:19 AM
I just wanted to add that while I thought it was a nice axe, I saw nothing to justify the $2800 price tag. I would try every American Tele I could lay my hands on, pick the one that felt best, and throw some Bardens in it. That would give you a similar guitar AND you'd be $1600 richer. Or you could get an Anderson Classic T.