View Full Version : Xotic Effects Videos

09-20-2004, 05:30 AM
Hey... have you guys checked out this website:


Some great stuff on players and demos for Xotic effects. Makes me realize what an amateur I am!

Actually, I believe you can catch a view of an Anderson standing up in the Michael Thompson clips. I think I remember him playing this in a Faith Hill special with Dann Huff.

Scott Peterson
09-20-2004, 07:33 AM
Go here and page down to the bottom.



I am 9th up from the bottom. :D

Suffice to say, Xotic pedals are extremely killer.

I paid full price for mine, don't make a penny from them and don't get any favors at all. But I really do use and love my pedals.

John Price
09-20-2004, 07:39 AM
I'm using both the RC and AC Boosters!
Can't say enough about how great these pedals are!!!


09-20-2004, 10:25 AM
got ac rc and the envelope filter

all are magic


09-20-2004, 12:04 PM
Can you guys who own both the rc and ac booster enlighten me what the differences are between the two? I know the rc is more of a transparent boost, but can the ac do what the rc does or are they completely separate animals? Thanks in advance, Mark

Scott Peterson
09-21-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by pluto
Can you guys who own both the rc and ac booster enlighten me what the differences are between the two? I know the rc is more of a transparent boost, but can the ac do what the rc does or are they completely separate animals? Thanks in advance, Mark

The RC is a clean boost with some grit if needed.

The AC is a very even non-midrangey overdrive pedal that sounds very natural.

Check out the videos on the Xotic site, and hear for yourself.

09-21-2004, 12:03 PM
Scott, thanks for the info.

09-21-2004, 12:59 PM
i loved the sound tim pierce and michael thompson were getting on the video with the ac, but when i tried it, it was much grainier. maybe i need to revisit that one again.

Scott Peterson
09-21-2004, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by tom
i loved the sound tim pierce and michael thompson were getting on the video with the ac, but when i tried it, it was much grainier. maybe i need to revisit that one again.

With the AC the key, IMHO, is to use the EQ's aggressively and not the gain. Less gain (9 or 10 o'clock), more EQ (put both around 3 o'clock) and BOOM, smooth and full. With a BF type of clean amp anyway.

I truly love the pedal; but it seems a lot of guys just crank the gain up and leave the EQ at noon and are disappointed. Don't do that! :D

09-21-2004, 07:02 PM
Both great pedals!! Not every one is for everybody, hence, I believe Scott now ownes my old AC boost. It was great, just not what I needed at the time. The RC boost has a permanent spot on my board. I use it as a lead boost but plan on getting something else to use for lead so I can leave the RC on full time. It fattens up single coil beautifully and just is a sweet pedal.


09-21-2004, 08:06 PM
So has anyone comparied the RC boost with Fulltone's Clean boost?

Scott Peterson
09-21-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by njjessee
So has anyone comparied the RC boost with Fulltone's Clean boost?

Yes - I was a Fatboost owner for many years before the RC Booster.

I don't own the Fatboost anymore. IMHO the RC is *the* clean boost pedal, bar none.