View Full Version : Buzz Feiten offsets

09-15-2004, 06:40 AM
I have just bougt a used DT from 97. I wanted this guitar because of the wood combination and nice sonic characters. I had never tryed Buzz Feiten tuning. I have read about this fantastic tuning and had high expectations, but I can not say I am impressed.. The first I did when i got the guitar was to change from 009 to 010 strings. and I also tighten the tremolosprings. The frets was buzzing a lot, even with the stringheigt fairly high.. so i took it to my local guitar shop here in Norway. he took a fret job because the frets was uneven. He is a verry good with guitars, but had never intonated BF tuned guitars. so I found the
offsets on the net. is this the right ones??


My problem is that the 2. and the 3. string intonate bad together around 10. fret but the open chords are ok. I can check the values tonight with my strobostomp if it`s out of these offsets. I have never intonated a guitar by my self before, because my local guitarshop intonates all my other non BF guitars perfect!

Can anyone help me or give me som advice about intonation!??? is it always a bit stringbuzz with heavy frets??

here is the spec:

Model - Drop Top
Body Finish - Honey Burst with Binding
Body Wood - Flamed Maple Top on Basswood
Neck Wood - Hard Rock Maple, Rosewood Fretboard
Neck Finish - Black Headstock, Satin Back
Nutwidth - 1 11/16 in
Frets - Heavy
Back Shape - .050 inch oversized
Hardware - Gold
Bridge - Vintage Tremolo
Pickguard -
Pickups - SD1R SD1 H2+
Switching - Switcheroo, Vintage Voicing
Strings - .009-.042 Elixir strings
Comments -


It also has instaled Fishmanbridge.

John Price
09-15-2004, 07:40 AM
Hello Morty!

You've got the right chart!

Are you using the Right side (column) for setting the intonation?

I use this all the time with no problems....

Good luck...

09-15-2004, 08:00 AM
Thank you for answering!

It was my local guitar tech. who intonated it for me, but it was his first BF guitar.. Here in Norway it`s not many BF guitars. I think many guitarplayers don`t even know hwat it is!!

I will check the offsets tonight, I gave this offsets to my guitartech, because he did not know the offsets.

John Price
09-15-2004, 08:20 AM
It's well worth it when set-up the right way!

Let us know how it turns out!!!

09-15-2004, 09:00 AM
String buzz should not be normal, but it also shouldn't have anything to do with the BFTS... It should work like a charm if the guitar is set up properly (not just the correctly intonated offsets, but proper neck position, bridge setup, frets (does this guitar have stainless), etc.).

09-15-2004, 12:23 PM
'97 would not be stainless.

09-15-2004, 02:49 PM
I saved the offsets for the 12. fret in my preset on my strobostomp tuner, but I find it very difficult to make my note akkuratly, because it is a huge variation, when I press down the string light or hard. Maby it`s because the large frets!? Dos it become more sensetive with heavy frets? All my other guitars have smaler frets. It is most sensetive at first frets. As I said before, I have never intonated a guitar by myself, because my guitar tech. do it.

Maby I have to refret to medium frets instead of heavy!? It looks like the frets are verry high, and some of them have a little gap between the fret and the fretboard most on fret no. 1-5. Not much, but more than on my Fender

I think The Fishmanbridge was instaled a year a go, at Tom Anderson. Do any one of the Tom Anderson tech`s remember or have teh history of this guitar?? the serial no. is 04-28-97A Does the Fishmanbridge make any problems, or is it exaktly the same as the original?

I hope Anyone on this forum can help me, and give me some adwise what to do!?

Because I like this guitar so much, and it`s a bit frustrating to have this small problems, that a Tom Andersonguy have easyli fiksed.

Sorry if my English is bad!!!!

09-15-2004, 04:00 PM
with taller frets you need to be more careful about how hard you fret the note. the harder you push down, the sharper the note will be. medium frets are about the same height as heavies, only not as wide. if you have never had a guitar with tall frets, i am not surprised you are having trouble playing in tune. it is an adjustment you have to learn to make if you want to continue using them. it took me quite a while to get used to tall frets, but now i love them.
th fretwire we used to use did not used to look as well seated as the current stainless stuff, but we have always glued in frets when we pressed them in so i would not be concerned with loose frets. any buzzing issues should be able to be solved by you tech if he is doing fret work. the neck adjustment, nut height, and saddle height are all part of setting up the guitar. we have gotten guitars in here in for servise in terrible condition, and have never not been able to make them play great. the fishman bridge should not be related to anything you have mentioned.

09-16-2004, 12:40 AM
Thank you for the answer Tom!! This is a very good and seriously forum!!

I guess I have to adjust my playingstyle a bit, to get used to the sensitivity of the heavy frets. It`s no fretbuzz now, after he did the fretwork. And I don`t think there is something wrong with the setup. The frets are as you said not so well seated, but I guess that`s not a problem, as long as the frets are even.

I love this TA DT guitar, and I hope I will get satisfied with the frets on it.. The balance and the sonic characters and the wide range of different sonds is very good!!

Even my drummer, had notised that He could hear more details when I am playing the Tom Anderson

If I had lived in USA, i could send it to the Tom Anderson Guitarworks for adjustment and service, but I live in Norway.

Do anyone know if there is Tom Anderson spesialists in Norway??

I don`t think so, but maby!!??

09-16-2004, 02:06 AM
The off-set numbers that you posted are correct...but you should know that those numbers are measurements in cents, NOT Hz. If your tech has never had experience with the BFTS you should check with him again to make sure those numbers were measured in cents. Some tuners don't even have a reading for cents...just Hz.

Also...very important:

The first set of numbers are open strings, the second set are fretted notes at the 12th fret. DO NOT USE ANY HARMONICS WHEN INTONATING FOR FEITEN.

09-16-2004, 02:56 AM
I know that.. and I know it is in cent. the strobostomp can adjust in 0.1cents at a time. My guitar tech, has the big Peterson.. I don`t know the series..

I am using the Peterson Strobostomp, and can switch between open tuning, and the offsets at the 12. fret, that I have made as a preset.