View Full Version : Solid Rosewood Neck

Tom Gross
11-06-2003, 11:52 PM
Anybody else have (or have played) an Anderson with a solid Rosewood neck?
After playing Jack's RW necked Cobra, I ordered my Cobra S with it and just love that guitar. The feel and tone are both excellent.
It's a great option.

Stan Malinowski
11-07-2003, 07:38 AM

I also played Jack's Cobra w/Rosewood Neck it is definetly HOT!!!! Anderson, unlike PRS, puts a satin finish on the RW neck. I have tow PRS w/RW neck but actually prefer TA's satin finish.

The Rw neck option pushes the killer tone of a normal Cobra over the edge.

Is your Cobra S going to be hollow or solid? My Cobra S (no RW neck) is hollow and one of the most resonant and alive guitars I have ever picked up.

John Price
11-07-2003, 09:56 AM
OK guy's you can now refer jacks guitar to mine!!
I now own that Cobra!
Purchased it a few months ago and haven't put it down since! Played several gigs using it and can say I'm very pleased at how it stands out in the mix compared to what I used to play!

The Rosewood neck has a great feel and I do like the touch of finish that is applied to the back of the neck! I would like to compare it with a mahogany neck side by side just to get a real idea of what the differences are because I do love mahogany!

Stan Malinowski
11-07-2003, 10:18 AM
Very Cool Johnny!!!! Another COOL thing about that guitar is the Serial Number: 12-25-01, A Christmas Gift to Jack from Tom!

Tom Gross
11-07-2003, 10:20 AM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski

I also played Jack's Cobra w/Rosewood Neck it is definetly HOT!!!! Anderson, unlike PRS, puts a satin finish on the RW neck. I have tow PRS w/RW neck but actually prefer TA's satin finish.

The Rw neck option pushes the killer tone of a normal Cobra over the edge.

Is your Cobra S going to be hollow or solid? My Cobra S (no RW neck) is hollow and one of the most resonant and alive guitars I have ever picked up.

I should have said "I then ordered it.."
I've had that guitar for like a year. It is a hollow Cobra S with 3 P-90's and the rosewood neck, and it is Alive, tonally. Cuts through the mix, and just sings.

Stan Malinowski
11-07-2003, 10:26 AM

I believe I actually saw that guitar in Magdon's when it arrived! I happened to be on one of my visits out to see Jack and I remember him going over the guitar before he shipped it out to you. Now that I think about it I seem to recall him saying that you had special ordered it.

Then again at my age I may be imagining the whole thing happened. Truthfully I am pretty sure that was your guitar!

11-07-2003, 10:53 AM
I have played a couple. They look great, and feel great (with or without a sastin finish). They do make the guitar a bit more neck heavy though. I tried a few Cobras side-by-side and those with mahagony necks definitely balance a little bit better.

Also, I had a Melancon P90 Artist (Tele style) that came with a solid rosewood neck - but it was so neck heavy that I sent it back to Melancon for a replacement mahogany neck. Not only did it balance a bit better with the new neck, I also think it sounded better. So on balance (pun intended) I prefer a mahagany neck.

Oh, I also had a PRS McCarty with a solid brazilian rosewood neck, it didn't sound that great either.

Stan Malinowski
11-07-2003, 12:12 PM
Joe brings up a good point, those solid rw necks are heavy and do affect the weight balance of the guitar.

On the other hand my Hollow Cobra S (mahog neck) feels a little neck heavy only because the hollow body is so damn light! Total weight is 6lbs 4ozs on the digital mail scale.

11-07-2003, 12:14 PM
I had Bruce Nelson put a solid rosewood neck on a Cobra S I won off of ebay. I actually like that the neck is heavier because it balances better with the guitar body which is heaviest cobras or cobra s' that I've played. Tonewise, it's hard to tell the immediate difference since I could not do a true a/b comparison. I would definitely say the guitar sounds a little brighter than before however.

Stan Malinowski
11-07-2003, 12:26 PM

I guess I'm a bit surprised that the solid RW neck made the guitar brighter. I seem to think that the RW neck guitars I have (PRS) darken the guitars tone by substantially increasing the mids...

11-07-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski

I guess I'm a bit surprised that the solid RW neck made the guitar brighter. I seem to think that the RW neck guitars I have (PRS) darken the guitars tone by substantially increasing the mids...

To me, it seems like it has. I really wish I could have sat down next to Bruce when he was putting in the new neck, so I could have truly A/B'ed the guitar with the different necks. I wonder what happened to the Cobra S's old neck?

Stan Malinowski
11-07-2003, 12:42 PM
I wonder what happened to the Cobra S's old neck?

Roy told me all necks that are replaced are destroyed. The won't return them to the original owner since they (and rightfully so) fear that the neck may pop up somewhere as part of a "bogus" Anderson.

I asked Roy & Tom to return the sawed-off headstock of the neck I am having them replace. I figure it will be a neat conversation piece next to the sawed-in-half PRS body I also Have in my Studio!

John Price
11-07-2003, 08:44 PM
I've owned a PRS all Brazillian Rosewood Neck plus played sereral more and thought they sounded very dark & muddy with a sweet high end!

I also owned a PRS East Indian that I thought sounded nicer than the BRW with some more clarity!

Both were very light in the weight department.....I also sold all of them:D