View Full Version : Pickups Question

08-30-2004, 10:15 AM
OK, so I've had my Anderson for a little over a year now, have run it through its paces in numerous different settings, and the only negative thing I can say about it is that I'm just not psyched about the pickups. My specs are as follows:

Hollow Drop Top Classic
Flame Maple on Alder
Maple Neck/Fretboard
SA1R SA1 H2+

While the SAs are the recommended pups for the hollow body, I guess it just doesn't have enough of the vintage "vibe" for my taste. So, a few questions. Is a pickup swap from TA out of the question (without paying full retail for the new ones and then having the SAs leftover)...I seem to remember something about a one-time "revoicing" for TA guitars, but can't seem to find info on it now, and don't know if that extends to only the original pups. If not, how would the VAs work with the chambered body? How would the M series sound with these specs? Thanks for any input!


08-30-2004, 02:19 PM
Can't say enough about the Ms. I was never a single coil fan so my H-S-S Classic sat mothballed. Sold it and got a Cobra with Ms and I just love the 2nd and 4th postions now.

If you love the guitar besides the pickups, you owe it to yourself to pop Ms in the SA slots (with some slight mods I'm sure).

08-30-2004, 07:20 PM
i'll take your h2+ :) i love them.
