View Full Version : Guitar Cabinets Anyone?

John Price
11-05-2003, 08:11 PM
What's your favorite Speaker Cabinet?

I've been using the Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12 for some time now and really love the way it sounds with my setup! Just arriving Today was my 4x12 so I'm just putting it to the test! I think it will sound just fine!


11-05-2003, 08:23 PM
I haven't had a lot of experience with cabinets. As far as 2x12s, I have played a VHT closed fatbottom, a VHT semi open back, a Bogner oversized, and a Dr. Z Z best. To be honest, they were all great cabs with the Z being the boomiest and loudest. I had the Z for 2 years before I traded it in for the Bogner which is more cutting and has more hi end imo. I only traded the Z in because I wanted to match the cab with the amp and the Z was rated at 4 ohms (I needed 8-16 ohm cabs). As far as 1x12, I've played the Mesa and the Bogner with the Bogner being far better in terms of having a bigger bottom. As far as 4x12, I've played only two, both of which were Bogners but with different speakers (an all loaded vintage 30s, and the Uberkab which has 2 vintage 30s and 2 GT12T-75s) . I bought the 4x12 Uberkab but found very little use for it, so I sold it. There are so many great cab makers, that it is kind of hard to choose which ones are best.

John Price
11-07-2003, 09:22 PM
Any thoughts about front loaded speakers to rear loaded?

Stan Malinowski
11-09-2003, 11:18 AM
All of my amps are now combos. The last cabinet I used was build by Jenkins Soundworks down in Mississippi (sp). It was truley well constructed and had great tone with my old THD Univalve. It was a 1x12 with a Weber California. One of the cool things was the jenkins is built to be run either as a closed or open back design.