View Full Version : Playing in high humidity?

10-01-2019, 07:26 PM
I had an outdoor gig last week. It was great, with the exception of the very high humidity that made it a struggle to play. Managed to not screw up too much. I started looking for solutions to this. Can't find much discussion on the topic. Any suggestions on how to minimize the effects of playing in a high humidity environment?

10-02-2019, 06:50 AM
This is a fairly unsubtle solution set to the problem of playing in an extremely humid environment. Keep your gear in the car/truck air-conditioned as you travel, keep your guitar in a hard case until sound check (or your actual performance) and then run stage fans on either side (and/or in front) of the stage. Here we played for over three hours on the beach at the height of the summer in Sebastian Florida


- and I didn't have to retune once! (I suspect heavier gauge strings may also help I use 11 - 49).

Regards: Conrad / Bees Deluxe

10-02-2019, 04:17 PM
I played an outdoor gig also last weekend in high humidity. I had to tune the start of every set and touch up occasionally between songs but I do that anyway, so no big deal there. I also washed my hands every break right before we started again, seemed to keep the stickiness to a minimum for me. Also had a small fan that I set so it would blow across my hands. The fan was good for keeping me cool too!!

10-09-2019, 07:29 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. We are playing there again in two weeks. It will probably be cooler and less humid (I hope). I didn't have tuning problems as much as sticky hands syndrome.