View Full Version : mahogany vs. korina

08-20-2004, 03:14 PM
for a chambered or hollow 24.75" scale guitar. what are the tonal similarities /differences...

08-20-2004, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by slowburn
for a chambered or hollow 24.75" scale guitar. what are the tonal similarities /differences...

Korina is a bit more defined, typically. It has more of an upper-mid percussive quality. Mahogany is a bit smoother and even sounding. I've also found korina to be lighter weight than mahogany, generally, but that varies from piece to piece.

08-20-2004, 04:13 PM
the weight can vary as much as mahogany can. i have only built a few korina guitars, but i did a little test about 6 months ago where i built two guitars as much the same as possible. same hardware, pickups, neck,and they weighed the same. the korina was not as fat in the middle, and bottom. it did have a bit more top end that was sweet. i giged with both guitars for a while to get a feel for both. i could make both work without changing amp or pedal settings. these were both solid cobras.