View Full Version : Short vs Long Scale

Rob C.
03-10-2019, 12:03 PM
I’m debating my first new Anderson build in almost a decade. My main gigging guitar has been a TA solid Alder T classic with maple neck/fretboard and vintage term. I love the guitar but there are a few things I’ve grown tired of and wish were different. First, I can’t keep the trem in tune as I’m just too aggressive with it for it to be non-locking - so the new single locking trem will definitely be utilized. Next will be the traditional control layout of a Classic T - I’ll order this one as a Pro T sans pickgaurd and control plate. The last option I’m debating is short 24.75” vs long 25.5” scale. I know I would prefer the looser feel of the 24.75” as I absolutely love my old TA Cobra - but I’m curious if the tonal change? I’m expecting/hoping it will be a little softer on the top end, a little thicker in the mids/low mids and a touch “flatter”. Thoughts and opinions?

03-10-2019, 01:50 PM
I prefer short scale. It's just more comfortable to me. I'd agree with all the things you said there as far as a description. Yes to all that stuff but it's subtle. It's not a totally different sounding guitar short versus long all other things being equal. My Classic and Classic T still sound pretty classic.

03-13-2019, 03:51 PM
It's hard to tell what the tonal effect the scale length has as my Cobra S is its own guitar (hollow maple/mahogany body, rosewood neck, rosewood fretboard). But, one thing I'll note is that with my hands on the smaller side, it's much more comfortable to reach some fingerings. The only thing I should have also done when I ordered was to get the thinner 1 5/8" width neck instead of the 1 11/16". Small hands appreciate less stretching in both dimensions!

But, still, even with the wider neck it's still very comfortable to play, so it gets lots of play, probably more than my other guitars actually. But, with the MMH configuration it can sound like just about anything I want it to.

03-13-2019, 04:26 PM
Rob, your tonal difference description is right on the money, all other things being equal.