View Full Version : No acoustic output on crowdster plus

02-01-2019, 08:21 PM
Any ideas, new battery, checked button in both positions, cable tests good

02-01-2019, 08:27 PM
the only thing we see as a maintenance issue with them is the battery box. after a while the copper spring strips inside the battery box that make contact with the battery terminals get tired and make bad contact.

it's easiest to fix if you remove the backplate and unplug the battery box.

remove the battery, then you can bend the plates in more, and it helps to keep one finger against the soldered part of the strip so you don't break it off the box.
reinstall battery, be sure to plug in the battery wire connector. and you should be ready to go.

02-02-2019, 01:31 AM
Thanks, I'll check that out in the morning.

02-02-2019, 03:27 AM
That battery box is a yearly event for me. The first symptom is random pops through the system when I'm either playing or sometimes just standing there with the strings muted. The first time it happened, I had no idea what was going on as it starts out pretty intermittently. My first thought was it being other players plugging in/out, then it happened once when I was by myself, so immediately blamed the wireless. Then one day it happened when I was plugged in with a cable, so naturally blamed the amp. Couldn't be the guitar because I'd just changed the battery a couple of a times to be sure, and it was a new cable. For a bit I thought it might have been a bad jack contact, but the pops didn't following jiggling at the jack or the cable. It progressively got worse and I was starting to fear using the Crowdster +2 live at all. In a pinch I could put it into stereo mode and use the magnetic pickups only.

Then Tom mentioned the battery box. Such a simple fix that I check and redo every couple of battery changes. Crowdster +2 went back to the number one position and has been there ever since. :)

02-02-2019, 02:03 PM
The battery box was the culprit and it was a simple fix. Thanks Tom for answering my question, I really enjoy playing your guitar.