View Full Version : HDTC Through a Fender Deluxe Reverb?

08-17-2004, 11:07 PM
I just bought a used Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue. It's loaded with the original Eminence speaker, and Groove Tubes all the way accross and an internal inspection reveals mod user mods. Basically, totally stock.

I find this amp sounds INCREDIBLY bright. Plug a Mex Strat into it, buddah. Pure buddah.

So why does my Andy (10-18-03T) sound so shrill throught it?


08-18-2004, 01:01 AM
pappy... is it possible that the Powerbridge is making the shrill sound? It is possible that the cord you plug into the guitar is not inserted all the way and is getting the "acoustic" sound from the Powerbridge. The Powerbridge equipped guitars have a 3-pronge output jack, ( tip, ring, sleeve), so there are 2 'clicks' felt when pluging in, first click that is felt is output from Powerbridge, second one felt is magnetic pickups.

Just a thought.

08-18-2004, 09:49 PM

That's an absolutely wonderful thought!!! I'm in Florida for a couple of weeks on business so I won't be able to check until I get back. Here are my thoughts and observations that make your comment so inspiring...

Saturday: I play it (with my HDTC) in a store and it sounds fat and full compared to other new ones. I buy it on the spot for $530 (good deal!).

Monday: Gig. Sounds great. Lots of positive comments.

Tuesday: Change V2 to an EH 12AX7 and put a GE 12AT7 in the reverb driver. At the night's gig it sounds INCREDIBLY shrill and bright. A friend plays a Strat through it during the next set (open mic). Sounds a lot better but Mexican Strat pups are somewhat muddy compared to the SA1's anyway.

NOTE: Said Strat does not have a Fishman Bridge! :D

I was totally racking my brain trying to figure out what could have caused the change. I couldn't believe the tube swap I mentioned could possibly be responsible for the HUGE change for the worse. Now I can't wait to get back to try it!

Thanks a bunch for the idea buddy!


08-18-2004, 10:01 PM

Just HOW did we live before the Internet????



08-25-2004, 10:10 PM
Hey, I got home tonight and before I even unpacked my bags I took the amp downstairs and tried it out.

Bruce was right!

It’s very easy, by failing to completely seat the plug, to have both the piezo and magnetic pickups come through the cord. The result is exactly what I heard last Tuesday. If I push it all the way in…presto…instant fat Blackface tone. Pull it out a little...


Ice-picks in the ears!

I’m very relieved! :D Bruce, go buy yourself a virtual beer on me.


08-26-2004, 12:56 AM
I'm still trying to figure out how to buy that virtual beer... give me some more time on this one.

Glad to hear that it was an easy thing.

Now you'll have ingrained in your head, "double snappy for pappy"..... That is, two snaps for the plug to seat properly in a Fishman equipped Anderson.