View Full Version : Rambler

08-17-2004, 09:35 PM
Any of you Carr guys,

How much of the the Rambler is Black Face Deluxe? Is it Abbey Road like? I'm looking for something more Fender bell tone like. I still want good overdriven tones. I read the Carr small cataloge, and remember some talk on the forum. I'm very interested in the amp, I'm not going to be able to hear one for a while. I would apreciate some feedback on them.


Jimmie B

08-19-2004, 05:57 AM
I had the chance to compare the Carr Rambler to my Dr Z, Z-28. The Carr was extermely lightweight and easy to carry. It kinda reminds me of a Blackface Princeton Reverb with a 12" speaker. Really nice blackface tone. I only tried it out on one setting (pentode or triode), but can't remember which one. I really perferred the Z-28 over the Carr, Z had more balls and had the tweed thing going.