View Full Version : string gauge switch / truss rod

08-17-2004, 03:50 PM
I had been using 10-46 strings at standard tuning and recently switched to 11-49 1/2 step tuning. I've already adjusted the intonation, but I'm experiencing some buzz on a few strings, which way would I adjust the truss rod? ( I know I'm going to have to fine tune the intonation again) the strings feel slinkier than 10s at a440. so my intuition tells me that there's less tension and I should loosen the truss rod turning counterclockwise.

08-17-2004, 07:10 PM
Righty tighty, lefty loosey. If you're buzzing, you're back-bowed and you need to loosen the rod.

08-26-2004, 08:30 PM
Hi, I just bought a Cobra and am in the same boat, switched to 11's tuned down a half step.

I didn't have any problems with action but am less certain on the proper way to intonate with the Buzz Feiten system. I can't seem to find clear instructions anywhere on whether it varies from the standard intonation methods. Anyway, here's what I did, can someone verify that this is correct or point me in the right direction? The guitar sounds pretty good to my ears, but being my first BF guitar, I'm driving myself crazy wondering if pretty good is as good as it should be! :-)

Using the offsets I found below and a Peterson StroboStomp, programmed P-1 with the Open offsets and P-2 to the 12th fret offsets. Then set the tuning mode to Drop 1. For each string I then first open-tuned it on P-1, then switched over to P-2 to set the intonation at 12th fret.

___________Electric Guitar
________(Preferred Embodiment)
Note______Open (Cents)________12th Fret

Thanks, Brian

08-26-2004, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by BrianG500
Hi, I just bought a Cobra and am in the same boat, switched to 11's tuned down a half step.

I didn't have any problems with action but am less certain on the proper way to intonate with the Buzz Feiten system. I can't seem to find clear instructions anywhere on whether it varies from the standard intonation methods. Anyway, here's what I did, can someone verify that this is correct or point me in the right direction? The guitar sounds pretty good to my ears, but being my first BF guitar, I'm driving myself crazy wondering if pretty good is as good as it should be! :-)

Using the offsets I found below and a Peterson StroboStomp, programmed P-1 with the Open offsets and P-2 to the 12th fret offsets. Then set the tuning mode to Drop 1. For each string I then first open-tuned it on P-1, then switched over to P-2 to set the intonation at 12th fret.

___________Electric Guitar
________(Preferred Embodiment)
Note______Open (Cents)________12th Fret

Thanks, Brian

I have a VS-II and I do the same thing (except for the Drop 1 tuning mode. VS-II doesn't have that and I don't know what it is), but you have to change the low E offset to -2 cents manually in P1 (assuming you have the E offset set to 00).

08-27-2004, 12:45 AM
that's all good.