View Full Version : Cool Crowdster story

07-07-2017, 05:12 PM
Hey all

I'm new to the forum, but just wanted to share this story with you all!

About 10 years ago I decided I wanted to get my hands on a Crowdster. We were living in London UK, and finally I purchased a Crowdster Plus from another forum member back in December 2010. It was absolutely gorgeous - used it in a rehearsal, and soon after that we went on holiday. While we were on holiday I received the news that our home had been broken into, and my 50th anniversary Tele and my less-than-a-month-old Crowdster had been stolen. As you can imagine, I was pretty gutted!

The police were excellent, and even caught one of the guys, having discovered that he had cut himself on the glass while breaking in - DNA criminology is amazing! Alas, the guitars were probably offloaded without any understanding of their value, in return for some drug money. I searched all the local pawn shops, contacted all the music shops to look out for the guitars, put internet flags on eBay, kijiji, gumtree etc.

For two years I kept up the searching for the guitars without any joy. In the meantime we moved to Vancouver Canada, where we were involved in starting a new church. After a couple of years I figured it was gone and that was the end of it...

About 3 months back, while I was sitting at our dining room table doing some prep, I suddenly thought: "I wonder if my Crowdster is on eBay?"
I did a quick search, and lo and behold - there it was - serial number in the pictures! I got in contact with the Metropolitan Police, who again were excellent. Having verified the guitar with the details they still had on file from the burglary, I was contacted by a policeman who happens to be a guitar player. He obtained the eBay seller details and retrieved the guitar!

Six years after it was stolen from us it arrived back with us in May. I contacted the insurance company to let them know it had been returned. Apart from damage to the case (it's pretty beaten up - looks like it has been through the mill!) the guitar is in great condition - just a couple of small nicks on the soundboard. I let the insurance company know these details and asked what my responsibilities were. I received a super email back thanking me for being honest, and saying that they were happy with the settlement for the guitar!

It's been played tons since! Absolutely love being re-united with this wonderful instrument!

07-07-2017, 05:18 PM
Amazing story! Glad you got the guitar back. Guessing the tele didn't make it back though.:(

Feel free to post a pic of the Crowdster!

Also, was the EBay seller the thief or just an innocent owner, if you know?

07-08-2017, 05:52 PM
And if the seller was an innocent owner of the guitar having no idea of it's history, did he have to surrender it or was he reimbursed somehow?

07-09-2017, 12:12 PM
wow what a tale. If that happened to me, I w be doubtful I'd ever see it again. The chance of that guitar ever making it back into your hands... yikes! extra congrats on beating the odds!

07-12-2017, 06:46 PM
The policeman didn't assume that the chap they picked it up from had been involved in the theft of the guitar, or had knowledge of it. I'm not sure whether being in possession of a stolen item would be grounds for conducting further investigation - particularly if there was any uncertainty as to whether they purchased it in good faith. I guess that's the danger of purchasing second-hand, you need to know that you're not handling stolen property.

Here's a picture of the guitar:


Sad for the guy who had it - if he was innocent and had bought it unsuspectingly... But also very glad it has come home!

07-13-2017, 09:39 AM
This happened to a friend of mine a few years ago. He was a Jackson guitar freak and had several very nice guitars, custom shops and all that.

One day the police showed up at his door...come to find out one of his very expensive guitars had been stolen in another state several years prior and the owner saw it in his online pics. He had all sorts of documentation and proof that this was his stolen guitar.

My friend was forced to hand over the guitar with no financial compensation. He was out over three thousand dollars.

So while I think it's great you got your stolen guitar back - I really do - somebody loses out in this deal and it's not the thief. Kinda sucks.

07-13-2017, 03:48 PM
Yes, agreed!!

07-14-2017, 06:23 AM
If you feel really bad for the guy, you could always send him some of that insurance payout you got for the guitar when it first went missing. ;)

07-14-2017, 02:13 PM
If you feel really bad for the guy, you could always send him some of that insurance payout you got for the guitar when it first went missing. ;)

that money is long gone and he clearly did not buy another Crowdster with it either lol