View Full Version : FR FR cabs, what are you using?

05-11-2017, 11:04 AM
so any of you that are using a modeler of whatever kind, what FR FR cab/amp are you using? hoping for not any bigger or heavier than i need. also, doesn't have to be crazy loud, just for monitoring in the band setting.

05-11-2017, 12:57 PM
I've been playing through Fractal products for a while and I'm pretty happy with the QSC K series. I've got a pair of K10's. They're reasonably flat with a good amount of power (1000W) and weigh in at about 28 lbs, so they're a lot lighter than any of my old Mesa Boogies :-). It's got a couple of inputs and EQ settings. It's a pretty handy piece of kit in general. QSC is just rolling out the .2 series which keeps the same price but bumps the power to 2kW and seems to have a more flexibe EQ system. Good luck!

05-11-2017, 01:02 PM
One other note: I usually run 2 outputs from the Fractal. One to the main board and a separate one to the QSC. Since the K10 has a couple of inputs, you can get a line level monitor send from the house and plug it into the K10 and blend between their monitor mix and your guitar output. It's handy sometimes.

05-11-2017, 04:43 PM
I use an Atomic CLR for my Kemper. It sounds amazing and is perfect in a band setting low or high volume. The NEO version (http://atomicamps.com/clr-reference-frfr-monitors/) is only 33 pounds. It is a fantastic FRFR monitor!

05-11-2017, 10:26 PM
I am a clr guy but have use other. That matrix light 10 inch frfr might be upbuiur alley if you wanted small and light

05-12-2017, 01:28 AM
I've been using a Bose L1 Compact which worked way better than I was expecting. It's at least as good as the Yamaha DXR8 I use sometimes - although that DXR8 can get insanely loud if that's your thing, but the L1C gets more than loud enough for small rooms or stage foldback.

BTW, both sounded better when standing 5 feet away rather than right on top of them.

I also used a DXR12 for a bit, but it was much bigger/heavier than the DXR8 and the extra low end extension isn't really necessary for guitar work. Even with the DXR8 I have to roll back the low end for some patches. I've used the JBL Eon10, which also sounded great, not as crisp as the newer models or the DXRs, but not bad.

05-12-2017, 10:55 AM
I've used a number of things, but for the past 5 or so years, it's an old verve 8ma. VERY small and VERY portable, but can't keep up with a band when it's an 8" driver.

Of others I've used, the real easy answer for me would be a QSC K10. I doubt you need a K12. Bigger, louder, but can be way too bass heavy if used close.

05-12-2017, 01:58 PM
I've used a number of things, but for the past 5 or so years, it's an old verve 8ma. VERY small and VERY portable, but can't keep up with a band when it's an 8" driver.

Of others I've used, the real easy answer for me would be a QSC K10. I doubt you need a K12. Bigger, louder, but can be way too bass heavy if used close.
The QSC K8 and DXR8 have 8" drivers, and can definitely keep up with a full loud band, and at maximum volume will still deafen anyone standing within 10 feet. I've become a fan of 8" speakers for their portability while still having more than enough bass response for guitar and vocals. I used to think 12" was where it was at, but realised that when EQed for the room, the 8" systems performed equally well, and both still needed subs for full range program material (ie. DJ, bass guitars, bass keys, etc).

Even my Bose L1 Compact keeps up with the groups I play in, and it's significantly quieter than the QSC or DXR speakers. So it really depends on the music you do. Hard core metal with deafening stage volume where the band members are wearing earplugs would be a problem for the L1 Compact, but the K8 and DXR8 could likely keep up.

If larger area coverage is a consideration, another thing worth thinking about are the bigger line arrays like the Bose L1 Model II. I went to an outdoor gig in a local park where the band (rock & pop music) had a couple of those, and I was gobsmacked that I could still hear them with perfect clarity from where I was sitting 200 feet away and off to the side. And the volume right in front of the stage where people were dancing wasn't that much louder.

05-12-2017, 06:05 PM
too many choices. got the ax8 today and plugged it into the return of a boogie head since i don't have a powered speaker yet. ran that into a radian 8"coax floor monitor, and it does go ridiculously loud and has a crazy amount of bass and high end. this thing may lead me down a rabbit hole that i may never find my way out of. i can see where people spend hours fiddling about just because you can and it's so fun. it will be a while till i am brave enough to take it out.

05-12-2017, 06:14 PM
I use a QSC K-12 for several years now (with Line 6 HD500). Sounds great.

05-12-2017, 10:24 PM
too many choices. got the ax8 today and plugged it into the return of a boogie head since i don't have a powered speaker yet. ran that into a radian 8"coax floor monitor, and it does go ridiculously loud and has a crazy amount of bass and high end. this thing may lead me down a rabbit hole that i may never find my way out of. i can see where people spend hours fiddling about just because you can and it's so fun. it will be a while till i am brave enough to take it out.
I'm currently posting from somewhere down that rabbit hole. :)

So much fun. Funnily, people complain about the factory presets on these things, but there's a good couple of dozen on the Helix that I love. I'm sure it's the same for the AX8.

I've run 4 cable method with a Mesa Mark V:25, and that was great for drives and effects, but when using the Helix's built in amp models, the best tones are straight into the PA/FRFR IMO.

05-15-2017, 07:57 PM
does anyone use a desk top monitor for building sounds?

05-17-2017, 12:58 PM
does anyone use a desk top monitor for building sounds?

I know there are at least a couple of guys on the Fractal forums that do. I fiddled with it initially but found that I always ended up tweaking them live anyway. In some cases it was the volume and fletcher-munson having an effect. Sometimes it just needed a bit of tweaking to sit better in the mix.

05-18-2017, 01:03 PM
does anyone use a desk top monitor for building sounds?

Most of my HD500 patches start off in my small studio on near field monitors, but almost always need minor tweaking in a live setup.

Sean Ashe
05-18-2017, 03:34 PM
does anyone use a desk top monitor for building sounds?

Yes, and also used my laptop. AX8 Edit is great and very fast, once you get used to the layout. There's also a way to use an editor on the ipad using some bluetooth adaptor, but not sure if you want to get too complicated

05-18-2017, 04:08 PM
sean, what are you using for a frfr monitor?

Sean Ashe
05-19-2017, 08:39 AM
sean, what are you using for a frfr monitor?

Sorry I thought you were talking about a monitor screen. not enough sleep (or not enough coffee!) haha :)

I am using Equator D8 speakers. I have had good luck making tones that have translated to larger systems as long as I made sure to be careful about my low cut/high cut parameters (in the cab block) but I know that some users who prefer it to be at the performance volume when tweaking sounds.

12-17-2017, 05:02 PM
I started with an Alto 112 for my helix..not bad for the price at all. Eventually went to a Friedman ASM and it’s just another level of good...a bit heavier than I like, but worth it...