View Full Version : Minibuckers on a PRS P90?

08-16-2004, 12:22 PM
Guys...check this out:


Would these be a direct 'drop-in' on my 3 P90 equipped Custom 22? The P90's are great, but I think the mini's would really open things up....:confused:

Tom...can these be purchased straight-out? Could I drop you a personal email RE a price quote?

Thanks much!

08-16-2004, 07:54 PM
the rings are designed to be subteranian. it looks like that guitar has them at or above the surface. he does mention that you may have to deepen the nec and middle holes. i don't know what depth they make them so i can't speak to that. any of our dealers can sell you the pickups. you will have to mention that you will need the rngs as we don't normally include them.

08-17-2004, 05:36 AM
Thanks Tom.

I better lay low...I hate to mod that one up (It's a Private Stock)....and I missed the part he wrote about the cavities.

I'll just buy another TA (with minis) next time around. ;)