View Full Version : Programming BFTS offsets in the ST300

02-19-2017, 12:56 PM

Can somebody please walk me through this operation? I'm totally be-fluggerated... :confused:

Tom gave me the offsets.


~Cornfused in New York

02-20-2017, 04:46 PM
i just followed the instructions and had to go back several times. i think the st 200 was easier to program, but i don't remember why.

if you have a particular place you're getting stuck, you can call roger at sonic research.

02-27-2017, 11:16 AM
I give up. Anybody want this thing? Grrr...

02-27-2017, 02:40 PM
What's wrong dude? I have the ST300 too! Which place are you stuck at? It's been a while since I programmed it, and I do remember it not being the most intuitive so I actually had to go back and read that thick manual a few times to understand how to program the offsets

02-27-2017, 03:12 PM
I'll stick with my trusty Peterson tuners.

02-28-2017, 03:44 PM
All of it, really. I'll screw w/it sometime when I have time. All I want to really do is properly set my intonation (only because I bought the guitar used and somebody had been screwing where they didn't need to be), and then I'll probably never use it again. LOL! :D

02-28-2017, 06:37 PM
All of it, really. I'll screw w/it sometime when I have time. All I want to really do is properly set my intonation (only because I bought the guitar used and somebody had been screwing where they didn't need to be), and then I'll probably never use it again. LOL! :D
For intonation of BFTS, you need 12 different offsets. 6 for the open strings and 6 for the 12th fretted positions.

In the ST-122 (which isn't available anymore), you could set 12 strings in a given mode/tuning. That let the unit automatically determine if it was tuning an open string, or a string fretted at the 12th fret (which are in different octaves to any of the open strings).

The ST-200 and 300 don't allow all 12 offsets to be programmed into a single tuning, so you need to program CST1 with the open offsets and CST2 with the 12th fret offsets if you want to do this.

The procedure is the same as described in the manual, but you need to have on hand a table with: each note, the numeric octave that note is in, and the offset in cents. Once you have that info, the instruction manual will make more sense.

03-05-2017, 10:20 AM
I'm done. It's in the classifieds.

03-05-2017, 05:07 PM
I use the Peterson Stomp Classic, it automatically detect the 12. fret and get the right Buzz Feiten offsets! very easy!

03-05-2017, 08:14 PM
Thank you!

03-05-2017, 11:53 PM
If it wasn't for an international plane trip or postage, I'd offer to set it up for you.

Surely someone on this forum is nearby that can help out a fellow TAG player?

03-05-2017, 11:59 PM
I use the Peterson Stomp Classic, it automatically detect the 12. fret and get the right Buzz Feiten offsets! very easy!
I have the iStrobostomp App on my iPhone, and it has an option to download (for a small in app purchase fee) the Buzz Feiten 'sweeteners' which include the intonation offsets. This App is accurate enough for intonating a guitar if you have an iPhone.

I don't think the Android version has the above options available, but I could be wrong.

03-06-2017, 01:06 AM
I have the iStrobostomp App on my iPhone, and it has an option to download (for a small in app purchase fee) the Buzz Feiten 'sweeteners' which include the intonation offsets. This App is accurate enough for intonating a guitar if you have an iPhone.

I don't think the Android version has the above options available, but I could be wrong.

I have the app also, but keep it as a backup only! my Iphone is always with me!

03-07-2017, 05:34 AM
I use a Peterson Strobo Flip for setups and string changes.
Live I use both versions of the new Sonic Research pedals.
I don't fuss about Feiten live, I can't hear a difference between tuning with either tuners on stage, so if I can't, the audience definitely can't.
The Sonic Research tuners are smaller and tougher than any Peterson and that's more important in a live environment.

03-07-2017, 09:10 AM
I use a Peterson Strobo Flip for setups and string changes.
Live I use both versions of the new Sonic Research pedals.
I don't fuss about Feiten live, I can't hear a difference between tuning with either tuners on stage, so if I can't, the audience definitely can't.
The Sonic Research tuners are smaller and tougher than any Peterson and that's more important in a live environment.

I have ears sencetive for pitch so I have to use BF tuning live! It took a while to learn to play with BF tuning too, because I have adapted a playingstyle where i compensated on the notes who not was in pitch on a regular fretboard.....I cant stand playing or hearing a guitar who are not in tune!!
I have played TA guitars since 2004, and love the BF tuning!!

03-07-2017, 10:43 AM
I have ears sencetive for pitch so I have to use BF tuning live! It took a whileof performing. to learn to play with BF tuning too, because I have adapted a playingstyle where i compensated on the notes who not was in pitch on a regular fretboard.....I cant stand playing or hearing a guitar who are not in tune!!
I have played TA guitars since 2004, and love the BF tuning!!

Unless the rest of the band uses BFTS, you're the one who's not in tune.
I'm sorry but I don't believe that you can tell in a live situation. Maybe you think you can but its just a placebo.
The BFTS adjustments are minute, yes they help the guitar sound better in isolation and help if you're playing with an electronic keyboard but with a full band ? I don't accept it.
I have 2 Andersons with BFTS and my 2 Strats are tuned with the Peterson sweetened tuning. Both sound perfect to me.
If you're that paranoid about your tuning, you'd spend the entire gig staring at your tuner instead of performing.

03-07-2017, 11:04 AM
I have ears sencetive for pitch so I have to use BF tuning live! It took a while to learn to play with BF tuning too, because I have adapted a playingstyle where i compensated on the notes who not was in pitch on a regular fretboard.....I cant stand playing or hearing a guitar who are not in tune!!
I have played TA guitars since 2004, and love the BF tuning!!

I just remembered that you and I have had this disagreement before.
You're convinced you can, I'm convinced you can't , we both believe we're right but we both love our Andersons....which is the most important detail.

03-07-2017, 11:23 AM
I just remembered that you and I have had this disagreement before.
You're convinced you can, I'm convinced you can't , we both believe we're right but we both love our Andersons....which is the most important detail.

I am not paranoid! i just said, my ears are pitch sencetive.. and I only tune before each sets in a gig, if not the temperature and humidity is raising unnormally much.. I hear the difference you do not, so we just have to accept it! I dont wont to argue...

03-07-2017, 11:53 AM
hi, i'm tom, and i am a tuning fanatic, doesn't make me better, just crazy until buzz happened. since i'm usually a side man in the back, i tune or at least check tuning after every song, because i can. could i play the whole set without tuning? probably, but i can't stand being not as in tune as i could be.

whether you use the system or not, playing is about joy, and if you're feelin' it, all is well.

03-07-2017, 04:01 PM
hi, i'm tom, and i am a tuning fanatic, doesn't make me better, just crazy until buzz happened. since i'm usually a side man in the back, i tune or at least check tuning after every song, because i can. could i play the whole set without tuning? probably, but i can't stand being not as in tune as i could be.

whether you use the system or not, playing is about joy, and if you're feelin' it, all is well.

I'm a fanatic about being in tune too because I play with pre recorded backing tracks, made with real instruments which always in tune.
I tune after every song and if I can hear or feel I'm not in tune with the track, I'll try and sneak a tuning tweak asap.
My point is that in my environment, the difference between my BFTS tuned Andersons and my non BFTS guitars is indistinguishable.
BFTS offsets are so small that in an ensembleI don't think its possible to tell whether a guitar is compensation tuned or not.
It simply needs to be in tune.
At home or in the studio I absolutely use my Andersons. In such a controlled environment Feiten is 100% detectable and I think important.

As the saying goes, horses for courses.

03-07-2017, 04:17 PM
I prefer the BFTS dialed in to the gnat's ass myself but that's just me and my ears/taste. Having said that if you are playing with a guy who doesn't have a properly set up, properly intonated guitar, it's all for naught. Certain guys I really want to take their guitar from them and give it some attention but logistics just don't allow for it. We can barely rehearse and barely get a proper sound check most nights, never mind me maintaining their gear for them. It has long amazed me how many players have no ear for tuning but that's pretty typical. Watch a string of YouTube gear demos. Most of them are excruciating to me. :p

03-07-2017, 05:21 PM
+1 on the gnat's ass

03-08-2017, 01:22 PM
i still think only one guitar out of tune sounds better than two guitars out of tune, as long as i'm not the one:D

03-08-2017, 03:48 PM
You know what they say: If you can't spot the out of tune guitarist in the room... :D

03-08-2017, 04:32 PM
I swear by Peterson. I have a Stomp on my guitar board, my bass board, the app on my iPhone, and my trusty old blue VS-2 on the bench for setups. Overkill maybe but I love them all.