View Full Version : Read and sign the petition to help save the smaller guitar builders

08-15-2004, 05:32 PM
Read and sign the petition (http://www.petitiononline.com/guitarTM/petition.html)

I created this petition to try to draw some attention and gain some leverage for the builders who are being threatened by Gibson and Fender's recent legal activities.

This petiton takes NO STANCE on the legal merits of the case. Rather, it advances the notion that cracking down on these 50+ year old designs will hurt consumers in the end.

We don't praise or demonize anyone - this is about us and our interests. Even if you think "PRS had it coming", I urge you to at least read the wording before making up your mind. This is about smaller builders like Anderson, Lentz, Suhr, Grosh and others.

What do I hope to gain? I don't know. I started this with the idea of filing it as a 'friend of the court' brief, but thanks to a quick education by an attorney, I realize that won't be able to happen.

However, I'm putting this out there in hopes that the 17 or 18 builders who have banded together to fight Fender can use it as influence in their case.

Essentially, I want to make sure that quality alternatives to Fender and Gibson continue to exist.

Please read it and consider signing it.

IMPORTANT: if you go to other guitar boards such as the Les Paul Forum, Fender Forum, Guitar Diner or elsewhere, please consider copying and pasting my remarks. The more people that see this, the better.


08-15-2004, 05:33 PM
BTW - I hope this si not inappropriate. I'm doing this on my own, with nop input or influence from Tom Anderson or others. If this doesn't belong, or creates difficulties, I apologize, and please remove it.