View Full Version : Favorite Amp For Your Andy

Stan Malinowski
11-04-2003, 12:33 PM
What amp do you like to plug your Andy thru?

For me:

Anderson Classics: Blackface Princeton

Anderson Hollow Cobra S: Dr Z Maz 18JR 2x10 Combo

11-04-2003, 01:35 PM
I currently own 2 amps-a Bogner Uberschall and a Bogner Shiva. I have or order the new THD Flexi, but who knows when THD is going to finish that up. I usually use only my Cobra S on the Shiva because that guitar matches so well with it, whereas the Uber takes all my Andersons well.

John Price
11-04-2003, 08:11 PM
I absolutely love my Hughes & Kettner TriAmp MKII! The sounds that I can create by running my Cobra through it are just fantastic!

I've been using the Genz Benz 2x12 G-Flex (George Lynch series) Cabinet with it and waiting for the 4x12 to arrive this week!


Stan Malinowski
11-04-2003, 08:48 PM
I have been giving some real thought to a new offering from Allen Amps, the Sweet Spot (assembled version)/V-18 (kit form amp). This model is based on a undated and improved Princeton Reverb.

Nice creature feature improvements like a standby switch, mid-range control, external bias adjustment and improved power supply design.

Stan Malinowski
11-04-2003, 08:50 PM

I had a THD Univalve Head for a while. The people at THD are fantastic, especially Ed DeGenearo. He has a personality similar to Roy Fought at Anderson.

I really loved the ability to switch tubes in the Univalve at will. A GREAT concept.

11-04-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski

I had a THD Univalve Head for a while. The people at THD are fantastic, especially Ed DeGenearo. He has a personality similar to Roy Fought at Anderson.

I really loved the ability to switch tubes in the Univalve at will. A GREAT concept.

I owned the Univalve too when it first came out. I ended up selling it about a year later though. It was a good amp and I think I ended up spending more $$ on tubes than on the amp itself! Like a lot of other guitar gear I've bought over the years, I ended up selling it when I was looking for other cool stuff. I'm looking forward to the flexi. I just hope it comes out sooner than later. You're right, Ed's a great guy-he has given me and a lot of other people lots of useful advice/tips on gear and is a monster player.

11-04-2003, 10:41 PM
Egnater MICA TOL 100
Egnater TOL 50
Pearce G2r

Tom Gross
11-06-2003, 11:48 PM
Fuchs modded Bassman in a 2 x 10 combo. Very Dumblesque amp. Works great with my Hollow Cobra and my P-90 hollow cobra S.

Also have a Holland Lil Jimi, more for fendery chimey clean. Nice with the P 90's as well.

11-09-2003, 01:06 AM
Boy that's a toughie. Man, there are very few amps that they don't sound good through. I guess I'd have to say my Matchless SC30. Especially the single coil sounds. Love 'em through my Roccaforte Custom 80 and ÷ 13 FTR37 for humbucking tones a bit more.

11-09-2003, 01:25 AM
mATCHLES dc-30.

Stan Malinowski
11-09-2003, 11:24 AM
I think the conclusions here are....

1) We All Seem To Have Some Nice Amps
2) We Probably Are All Finacially Broke Because of Conclusion #1!

11-09-2003, 12:01 PM
Yep. But I also just got a little POS Vox Pathfinder 15 R and for what it is (a cheap SS amp with an 8" spkr)...it's incredibly good. :) Really GREAT cleans, decent crunch and very good OD. The other amazing thing about it is that it is very touch sensitive and responsive. Far more than any other SS amp I've played (though admitedly...haven't played many lately). And you can pick them up for 120.00 at GC!! Crap I routinely spend more than that on pedals and pickups, heheh!

Stan Malinowski
11-09-2003, 12:06 PM
I'll fess up as being guilty also....I am expecting a Bad Cat Mini to be delivered tommorrow. Cool little practice amp - 4 Watts, EL84 Power tube, 12AX7 preamp tube, 10" Jensen Alnico Speaker, direct line & headphone out.


John Price
11-09-2003, 03:27 PM
I'm Broke! :(

11-10-2003, 09:02 AM

Groove Tubes TRIO.

11-10-2003, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by tombo

Let us know what you think of the Bad Cat Mini once you've played it for a while.

Ditto on that (or +1)!

Stan Malinowski
11-10-2003, 12:38 PM
Delivery of the BC Mini only hours away!!!! UPS TRacking must be sick of my on-line inquiries. The wife is out tonight so I will be able to give it an all-out test drive! Nothing quite like that feeling of anticipation when new gear is on the way.

11-10-2003, 12:42 PM
Yup. When I see that "out for delivery" note on the carrier's website, it sets my heart a flutter, LOL!!! :D Man...what a bunch of sickos!!!

Stan Malinowski
11-10-2003, 04:41 PM
Pushing 4:45PM here in Connecticut and still no UPS!!! I'm getting worried, the wife will be home in about 30 minutes. I will be TOAST if she is here when it is delivered...We may be looking for another Moderator soon.:D

Stan Malinowski
11-16-2003, 10:41 AM
The BC MIni arrived about 5:30 Monday night. Yes, my wife was home. She just groaned and walked away!

The amp took some time to dial in a good clean tone. Basically the keys to making this amp sound good clean are:
1) Bass on Full (on the MC fully counterclowise)
2) Master volume over 12:00
3) Treble about 11:00

Playing single coils with these settings produces a deep, sparkling clean tone that makes you forget this amp has no reverb.

For some power the Master goes down to about 11:00 and the Volume about 3:00. This little Cat rocks! Sound is driven, powerful but articulate. The amp drives nice with the clean settings being pushed by a Fulltone FD2.

Clean tone is also nice with my PRS HB Spruce and my Hollw Cobra S. Driven tones are over the top with the Cobra!

Amp is way powerful enough for home and recording use and probably small venues. Mid-bigger venues would require miking.

I will probably replace the stcok Jensen speaker with a Weber Silver Ten which is designed to warm up small British Class A amps.

11-16-2003, 01:06 PM
excellent & congrats, stan.

i love small{er} amps. my carr rambler is so amazing! i do not miss my old & busted '68 super reverb.

anyway, you are very brave to plan shipments without your wife's knowledge. Much braver than i.

i need another guitar {like a hole in my head} but i will not stop until she's worn down and punch drunk from my tenacious verbal prodding.

she will yield, oh yes, she will yield.

11-17-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by tombo
I nominate myself as President of the Japan chapter of "Gear Hiders Club of America."

What's cool is that most of my cases all look the same. Just as long as the family funds are not used, it's all the better that the wife is not in the loop as far as what guitars are present from one day to the next.

The Hollow T has put a stop to changing guitars though. Now how can I get my next custom order in the door????

That won't work with my wife even though she doesn't care what I buy. Unfortunately she notices little things well and I've explained all types of useless terms to her for her info, i.e., buzz feiten, shorter scale Gibson guitars vs. longer scale Fenders vs. in-between scale PRSs, flame top vs. quilt, tubular quilt vs. standard quilt, distortion vs. overdrives vs. fuzz, master volume amps vs. non master volume amps, the brief Cliff notes version of amp history, etc., etc. So basically, when I'm discreetly playing new stuff at home, she'll say, hey, that's a new amp, or that's a new guitar. It's nothing worse than having an observant wife!

12-02-2003, 11:59 PM
Originally posted by pluto
That won't work with my wife even though she doesn't care what I buy. Unfortunately she notices little things well and I've explained all types of useless terms to her for her info, i.e., buzz feiten, shorter scale Gibson guitars vs. longer scale Fenders vs. in-between scale PRSs, flame top vs. quilt, tubular quilt vs. standard quilt, distortion vs. overdrives vs. fuzz, master volume amps vs. non master volume amps, the brief Cliff notes version of amp history, etc., etc. So basically, when I'm discreetly playing new stuff at home, she'll say, hey, that's a new amp, or that's a new guitar. It's nothing worse than having an observant wife!

Sounds as if your significant other has golden ears and a very discriminating sense of tone!

12-03-2003, 05:40 AM
For gigs it's my Fuchs ODS 50 watt head and 1x12 cabinet, and for rehearsals and jam nights, it's my Fuchs modded Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue. :D

12-03-2003, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Sounds as if your significant other has golden ears and a very discriminating sense of tone!

Well, she can hear the difference between Yngwie, Borislav Mitic, Eric Johnson and Satriani (I test her all the time!), which is pretty good. But I'm amazed she can't hear the difference between the amps I own. I guess when she hears garbage, she's just going to hear garbage!

12-03-2003, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by SteveK
For gigs it's my Fuchs ODS 50 watt head and 1x12 cabinet, and for rehearsals and jam nights, it's my Fuchs modded Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue. :D

Steve, I guess you're a bonifide Fuchs man! When you first bought the Fuchs, did you have a hard time dialing it in? I've tried a 50 watt ODS head through a Fuchs 1x12 and the 30 watt combo, and I had a hard time dialing a tone that I like. Overall though, that's one heck of a smooth amp and the reverb is killer.

12-03-2003, 07:12 PM
No problem dialing it in at all...I can't find a bad sound in these things. :D

Tom Gross
12-04-2003, 10:56 AM
Yeah, I have a Fuchs modded bassman, and I don't have trouble dialing in a lot of great tones.
Of course, it took me a little while to get used to the Dumble-style cascaded channels, and how things like the tonestack bypass work, but I love mine.

12-04-2003, 12:50 PM
Steve and Tom, I guess it must be me! I guess I'm just not used to that tone or the feel of that amp. It's a great amp though.