View Full Version : I think my super switch or middle pickup is busted...

05-02-2016, 08:40 AM
...help me troubleshoot, peeps.

T-classic, 3 pickups, superswitch for nashville wiring.

Should be... sounds like...
Pos 1 should be neck ... sounds like neck
Pos 2 should be neck + middle ... sounds like neck
Pos 3 should be neck + bridge ... sounds like neck***
Pos 4 should be bridge + mid ... sounds like bridge
Pos 5 should be bridge ... sounds like bridge

All pickups are hum cancelling and none have any coil splitting activated in any position.

everything looks the same in the control cavity as it looked before.

I'm totally and completely mystified by POS 3***

Bad switch (how's that possible)? What wire has slipped that my old eyes can't see? Bad pickup?

My next step, when I get home, is to totally re-solder the whole switch.

05-02-2016, 10:25 AM
i would be looking at the common hot outs on the switch.

or you could have a bad middle pickup and a bad connection, much less likely.

05-02-2016, 06:43 PM
I re-did everything I could. No improvement.

I'm too old and my eyes suck too bad to hunch over a guitar and try and figure this $#!† out so I'm bringing it to the local guitar guy tomorrow. Life is too short.