View Full Version : Question on custom neck profiles

04-20-2016, 01:03 PM
Hello everybody! Love the new site.

I'm in the market for an Anderson but looking at what's available, I'm going to go custom. Specifically, I'm having difficulty finding TAs with the 50's Small V profile.

Will TA and the gang build necks to spec? I had an older TA with a 50's V Small profile that I loved and then a later model with a 50s V Small that didn't quite have the "V" I was looking for (like the older model).

Are they open to requests along the lines of carving the "V" a little sharper to suit my needs?

Thanks in advance for any feedback you can offer.


04-20-2016, 03:34 PM
were they both the same width? we could sharpen it up if you're not afraid of it being too sharp.

04-20-2016, 04:03 PM
Cool! Hey Tom!

I believe they were - but it's been awhile so I could be wrong. Great point though. I still have the serial numbers so I'll verify before placing an order.

Good to know we could tweak it a bit. Typically, I have trouble finding them "sharp" or "V" enough so I wouldn't be afraid of too sharp I don't think.

I understand the caution though. Kind like the diner telling the waiter "Yes, I want it extra spicy, I can handle it"... only to send it back for being too spicy :)

Thanks for chiming in Tom!


04-20-2016, 04:57 PM
that reminds me of a funny but embarrassing restaurant trip. we went to a pho place out of town that we had not been to before, and they serve lots of locals there. we were the few white folks. i am pretty cocky about how hot i like my food, so i said give me a 10. she looked at me and said we never give any white people 10, you can have a 5. so i begrudgingly said fine. it came and not only was the temp really hot, 3 spoons in and i could not feel my face and did not taste another bit of food for several hours. i have never felt so on fire in my life. i drank beer, water, ate sugar, ice cubes. the damage was done. years ago i read an article about the ghost pepper eating contest in i think india or thailand, where people ended up in the hospital. in the article, it said that spicy hot food does not actually burn your body, no physical damage, but it tells your brain that you have a big problem. it must be true, because after a couple hours i was good as new, but while it was happening it was more than real to me.

04-21-2016, 12:37 AM
that reminds me of a funny but embarrassing restaurant trip. we went to a pho place out of town that we had not been to before, and they serve lots of locals there. we were the few white folks. i am pretty cocky about how hot i like my food, so i said give me a 10. she looked at me and said we never give any white people 10, you can have a 5. so i begrudgingly said fine. it came and not only was the temp really hot, 3 spoons in and i could not feel my face and did not taste another bit of food for several hours. i have never felt so on fire in my life. i drank beer, water, ate sugar, ice cubes. the damage was done. years ago i read an article about the ghost pepper eating contest in i think india or thailand, where people ended up in the hospital. in the article, it said that spicy hot food does not actually burn your body, no physical damage, but it tells your brain that you have a big problem. it must be true, because after a couple hours i was good as new, but while it was happening it was more than real to me.

LOL I had a similar experience! Except I ate yogurt and chugged milk, and that helped cool it down fairly quickly. Give it a try next time xD

04-21-2016, 10:25 AM
Ha, doesn't sound like there will be a next time for Tom :)

04-22-2016, 10:31 AM
i went back, but ordered a 2 and thoroughly enjoyed it.

04-22-2016, 05:41 PM
Some people never learn :)