View Full Version : HO1- H2+ balancing ?

03-07-2016, 10:40 PM
I have the HO1- in the neck and the H2+ in the bridge - in order to get equal volume from the two, I'm having to run the neck P/U (HO1- ) higher then the H2+ in the bridge- is this normal? Should I go to an H2 for the bridge? Thanks

running the the bridge p/u at a height of 4 -32nds bass side and 3- 32nds treble side

Neck p/u height is 2-32nds bass side 1 1/2- 32nds treble side

The problem is I like the bride p/u a little closer but cant do it gets to loud to balance with the neck p/u

03-08-2016, 08:33 AM
You have a few things going on here. A weak vintage type pickup in the neck and a hotter modern pup in bridge. The H2+ always felt hot to me. Couple that with it's wide frequenzy response and it is a very different beast than most other guitar pick ups.

Having the neck pup higher is not a problem assume you like the results. Sounds like you don't like them because you like the h2+ higher. The question in my mind is which pup do you like more? If the answer is the H2+ then maybe instead of changing it to the H2 you change your HO1- to an HO1

03-08-2016, 02:32 PM
yea i have to give this more time- I like both a lot but just have to find a happy medium between them. I saw on the TA site that the H2 is said to work well with the HO1- I was hoping the H2+ would work too- it still might, need some time, fresh ears and band practice lol Thanks for the time.

03-10-2016, 03:16 AM
Those are two nice sounding pickups. If you're like me, then you'll prefer to keep the H2+ fairly close to the strings. I normally like neck pickups a tiny bit further away for more 'air' in the tone.

However, when combining two pickups that vary greatly in output, sometimes you have to compromise a bit. If that compromise kills the tone of one or both pickups, then you need to replace one of the pickups. You'll need to pick a favourite of the two at it's ideal height, then swap the other one for a hotter/colder output variant.