View Full Version : Pickups / V Boost

12-14-2015, 02:43 PM
In my travels I recently ran into a pre-owned TA Short T that has TV2 and VA7 pickups and a V-Boost. My question is are there noiseless Anderson pickups that could be substituted for these with the boost functioning intact? I like the guitar but I am always afraid of single coil hum with the volumes and sometimes high gain that I use. I know the T style would probably be cleaner most of the time but just in case a fat solo tone is needed...

If not is there a way to get those two pickups (or others in the anderson line) with the same polarity, not reverse wound? This way if there was no hum free option I could install one of the illitch silent coil plates...you have to have the same polarity on all pickups for that to work. The guitar is awesome but I am just wondering whether I need to go down this road if I have to change a lot. Just curious...it might be fine just as it is. Thanks.

12-14-2015, 04:52 PM
the hum cancelling pickups don't react as well to the boost, but still work pretty well. they're going to be a little fuller already so it may not be as much of a need.

yes we could do a VA7R if you decide to do the humcancelling plate.

12-15-2015, 01:00 AM
Sounds like there are some decent options. If I end up buying it, I will be back for more questions...but for now...these...

When you say the hum cancelling pickups don't react as well to the boost, could you describe this in more detail? The cleaner of the two sounds would be the most critical for me but it would be nice to have the hotter sound also.

Which of your (hum cancelling) pickups would you suggest for the most authentic vintage Tele type sound in the non-boosted mode and how would that boosted work? In other words, I would not want the cleaner non boosted sound to be hot or overwound sounding. The boosted mode being hot is fine, of course.

12-15-2015, 08:44 PM
tf1 and tf2 would be the ones if you plan on boosting. they are not overwound sounding at all.

the boost pushes the mids and bottom a bit and reduces the highs. when you apply it to a too hot pickup, it acts almost like a tone control, high cut filter, an doesn't really sound louder to me.

i really think the boost is most appreciated by people who struggle a bit controlling high frequencies. i'm not one of those so for me it seems un necessary. for me it's shines best on vintage style single coils.

12-15-2015, 09:58 PM
I am just trying to get the two sounds most optimum and the weaker to sound as vintage as possible. If I wanted to keep the S style neck pickup, what is closest to the VA7 in a hum free version? It sounded really good by the way.

Like SC1 or SF1? Is the only difference the cover?

I thank you so much Supreme Commander of the Anderson Empire!

12-16-2015, 12:14 PM
the SC or SF1- would be closest to the VA. the pickups are made a little differently to accommodate the cover but the goal was to make them sound the same.

12-16-2015, 01:51 PM
Great, thank you!