View Full Version : So, how good are you?

08-09-2004, 07:09 PM
I'm just wondering about the level of expertise everyone has with guitar playing. I know guitar is not a competition and it shouldn't be. I'm just curious where everyone is, i.e., how long you have been playing, if you gig on a regular basis, how good your music theory knowledge is, etc. As for me, I'm a hack, started playing since 1982 or 83, quit in 85, started it up again in 1999 or 2000, and have been playing on and off since then. I don't gig, but I do play regularly at church. Music theory? All I can say is thank God for fretmarkers!

08-09-2004, 08:49 PM
been playing since I was 11 or so. I'm 25 now. never gigged. have extensive knowledge of music because of marching/concert/jazz/mariachi band. played bass in jazz band. don't have great chops or anything, I like to consider myself a better composer/arranger than soloist. but in the end i'm a hack I guess cause I just play in my house. haven't jammed with any other guitarists in about 5 yrs.

08-09-2004, 09:17 PM
I've been playing for 20 years, gigged heavily during the middle 10 years. Sadly, I'm a mere shadow of my former (gigging) self. It's been a good 5 years since I quit my last steady gig and have had just a handful of fill-in gigs in the meantime. I can say that nothing keeps you in (musical) shape like live performance. Without that feedback from other musicians and an audience, my playing is far less death-defying. Maybe it's just me, but without the "high" stakes of playing in front of a crowd, I'm just going through the motions. I need to start heading out to some open mic nights and find my goove again.

As far as my experience, I'll just say that I have studied lots of theory and done well over 1,000 paying gigs. I've played in front of bikers yelling for Sepultura one night and old men dancing with their wives to "Til There Was You" the next. But it was the gigs that I got to jam for 20 minutes on "Feeling All Right", "Cheap Sunglasses" and "Fire" that I miss. I never played the same solo twice and I always played until I cued the other guys that I was done. That was fun.

08-09-2004, 09:19 PM
Still just learning. Can't play anything.

08-09-2004, 10:33 PM
I've been playing about 4 years - only one gig in that time. Don;t think it likely that I'll be playing in church anytime soon, our main guitarist is a pro.

I can pick out most progressions, solo over most anything; got the major, minor, and 7ths in all positions; working on the 9ths and variations (flatted, sharped), and the 11ths.

Right now, I'm working on phrasing - talk about subjective!
I dunno, it ALL sounds good! :)

As far as theory goes, I can do basic sight reading, but I'll do better with a chord chart and tab. I can play all the major scales in C - not sure where that's gonna take me, but if I have that and $2 I can get a cup of coffee at starbucks!

I'm waiting for my new TA (any day now!), hoping it knows more songs than I do.

08-09-2004, 11:22 PM
I'm the world's best guitarist.

08-09-2004, 11:27 PM
Originally posted by JoeB63
I'm the world's best guitarist.

Coool! we're book ends, 'cause I totally suck!! BUT, I do appreciate good tone!!:D

08-10-2004, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by JoeB63
I'm the world's best guitarist.

Damnit Joe, I told you this was not a competition! :D

08-10-2004, 05:42 AM
I started out playing behind a childrens gospel choir at 13, touring the east coast (simple 3 chord gospel stuff). Got my first paying nightclub gig at 16 as a bassist, spent 16 to 22 as a bassist /drummer picked guitar back up in 87 and joined one of the 3 top 40 showbands I've been in since.

I play virtually every weekend and have since 1988. I average between 50 and 120 nights a year. I've been blessed to have gigged in Ireland, Canada and Mexico as well as alot of the country (except the west coast)..I am learning to read again and teach 3 students at my home. Not a shreder by any means, just a street player.

08-10-2004, 05:43 AM
been playing for 25 years - am i really that old ? - yikes

been signed as an artist and writer , played the odd session , worked lots in the studio played about abit

i think im crap - others tell me otherwise - but for me i cant help hearing people like leon and thinking - why canyt i do that?


Stan Malinowski
08-10-2004, 06:15 AM
Played from 1973-1981 while growing up. Quit after college until 1989. Played for another 2 years and gave it up again until 1997. Been playing since and can't stop. I had music theory classes in high school and some electives in college. I've long given up true gigging, but will get out to jam with the boys or go to an occassional open mike blues night.

Ability? OK, not great, no bad. I've really started playing for relaxation and enjoyment and it has made a big difference.

08-10-2004, 09:12 AM
Three chord wonder - a couple of levels beneath rant amateur.

Learnt basic theory playing purcussion and drums in school and college 35 years ago. Garage/clubbing band through my teens but music as a proffession became too intense so just sold everything off one day.

Living in Hollywood 15 years ago started composing and recording sound tracks for my paintings/shows with racks of synths. That was fun....actually too much fun as I almost stopped painting and just did music. Sold everything off one day.

Just last fall bought another keyboard as I just couldn't not have some musical outlet in my life. Took it back after a couple of days. I had forgotten just how tedious pages of menu options actually were on a synth. About a month later decided guitar would be perfect for what I wanted to do....and it was/is. Perfect balance of tactile immediacy and sound. Absolutely loving it and to be able to play something like an Anderson....well, just haven't had this much creative fun in a long time.


08-10-2004, 12:57 PM
I've been playing since 1983/1984. I sound like a cross between C.C. Deville and Mick Mars.:D

08-10-2004, 04:57 PM
In a way, it's hard to say that I've been playing for 25 years, since I'm turning 40 on Sunday. I played bass in several bands during the Roaring 80s, but gave it up to raise kids and teach school. I switched back to guitar exclusively about ten years ago. Still, I have a long way to go with my playing.


08-10-2004, 05:10 PM
I've been playing for 31 years, and gigging for the last 28 years or so. I was a music major my first time through college, so I can read and have a good background in theory. That said...since I have not been in a situation where reading was required, it would take some work to be able to transfer the written music into played passages with any facility. We gig 3-4 weekends a month. At one point we did nothing but music, 21 nights in a row with 2 nights off and then another 18 night stretch. Some of those were double gigs also. On those nights, we'd play from 10 PM 'til 1:30 AM, and then play an after hours club from 3 AM 'til 7 AM. Of course we had a crew to do the setup and tear down back then. :D

08-10-2004, 05:53 PM
Keep it coming! It's really cool to see the whole spectrum of talent represented here on the forum.

08-10-2004, 08:18 PM
Great question! I'm 30% ability 70% attitude. I started out in Jr High school (late 60's) as an acoustic player, CSN, Neil Young type stuff. I quit playing at 18 turned 26 and started going to Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa (a very musical church). I picked up an early ESP and later a Ricky 360-12 V64 and and an amp called a Kitty Hawk. I got some lessons, learned the pentatonic scales and started leading worship in church. Now I'm playing in two to three churches a week. I love it! I wanted so bad to be a rock star in high school. Honestly at times I still do, I just got too fat and too old. Actually its great to get play for God I feel his pleasure when I playing. It was a more than fair trade off.

Jimmie B

08-10-2004, 08:48 PM




Just how good are you? You can't be the greatest, that one's already taken. Can't be the worst, either! That one's taken, too!

BTW, Scott, I got your CD at CD-Baby. Dig it!


08-10-2004, 09:32 PM
I've been playing over 40 years. I was 10 when I joined my first band - we played Venture covers, some Beach Boys and British Invasion "stuff" on a Harmony Rocket through a Gibson Scout amp. I continued to play in bands all through Jr. High, high school and then into the college years. It was great fun. (I graduated to a Gibson SG and a Heathkit amp that I built with my brother and dad.)

I was never the greatest or the worst guitarist, but I can hold my own, at least playing classic rock and blues stuff. In fact, the band I play with now (classic rock covers) - all of us are maybe a cut above average. Individually, none of us are really "A" players - not really musicians either (well, the keyboard player is more than any of us). But, we all contribute in our own way and we really work well together. In our case, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. I think that comes from playing together for over 8 years now. We have fun and those that listen to us do as well. That's what it's about for us.

For myself alone and with tone and oneness, Mike

08-10-2004, 09:33 PM
ok since i've been called out by name. been playing since '62, yes i was 8 yrs old, and yes i really am 50. had my first band in 5th or 6th grade. played my first gig in the 9th grade. i can read but you wouldn't be able to recognize the song if i hadn't heard it before.....i guess that means i really can't read. played in bands all youth long. made a living for about 4 years after high school, yes you could even get payed for playing in la back in the old days! took a break from electric for about ten yrs, and got real into acoustic. got back into electric when i started playing at church 5 or 6 years ago. i never stopped playing, just wasn't playing out. i play out regularly now, and they like what i play, so i guess i'm good enough to fool some, although i still don't know what i'm doing. don't ask me to repeat that cool lick i just played, because i probably don't remember what i did.

08-10-2004, 09:47 PM
Wow! My ears were burning all the way in NYC.

Been playing for 20 years. First 5 years spent playing to the crowds in my bedroom, then off to college where I played the "What I Like About You/R-O-C-K In the USA" medley a million times for Greeks. For the last 6 years I've been playing around Dallas alternating between cover bands for money and our own songs for integrity. I'm going through an integrity phase right now. We're going into the studio next month and I'll have 6 spankin' new Sylvanshine tunes to share. Of course, it's Andersons and Bogners for me.

08-11-2004, 02:09 AM
Well, I began playing spanish guitar (not flamenco) when I was 10 years old, playing in school and with some friends of mine.

When I was 14 years old I bought my first electric guitar guitar (it was a hard wood with strings :) ) and joined to my first band (playing rock & heavy versions).

From then to now, I was playing in pop, folk singer, and rock groups and recording some songs.

I have musical theory and like others in forum, I like not to play the same lick two times.

Now, I haven't got enought time to play all I want (I have 2 daugters, 5 years and 1 year old), but I continue playing in music band (playing Rumbas, pasodoble,Mambo, uffff......, but earning some money to buy TAG :), so it's 27 years old playing this lovely instrument (now I'm 37 years old) and I will never leave playing guitar (my woman has different oppinion ).

See you


08-11-2004, 06:44 AM
Interesting thread..

I'm 34, been playing since I was 9. The whole fascination started with seeing Hendrix on the Woodstock movie, and then quickly turned to kiss, and then van halen. I had all the normal influences for the time, was in and out of bands pretty regularly. It’s petty hard to find like minded people around here, and I don’t drink, smoke, do drugs, or like spicy food (tom will get that) so that nixed out a whole bunch of musicians ;)

I have not been in a band for a long time until recently, where we played around the local clubs. Currently in-between bands right now, as the drummer I am playing with had to go to Iraq (Germany really) for a spell. I used to be able to write stuff pretty regularly, but it seems in the last 10 years or so, it's been real difficult to get anything out.

You can hear some stuff wrote about 10 years ago on my hardly ever updated website under the media section:
www.davidpeterson.org (http://www.davidpeterson.org)

yes it's shreddy instrumental rock, but its where my head was at the time.


Gary F.
08-11-2004, 11:47 AM

This is a great question, and i was kind of thinking the same thing the other morning driving to work: where am i in the pantheon of ten zillion guitartists? It seems like EVERYBODY plays; I'm amazed sometimes there's anyone left to listen at gigs...

I've been playing for about 40 0f my 47 years and gig in two bands on Saturday nights only, probably 35 gigs a year. When i was a kid, the scene was very competitive--it was more important who was a 'better' gun than taking the time to help each other become better players. I sucked until about age 30 when i realized playing guitar was a great outlet and stress reliever from my career. I try to jam with lesser players on a regular basis, helping them to realize their potential while downplaying their beginning status. It's all music, right?

I've always been more about feel and tone than theory, although I took a fingerboard logic course a few years ago that opened up the fretboard and enabled me to understand WHAT (and why!) I was playing something, as oposed to just playing it. I try to think melodically and get out of the pentatonic box. I wish I was better at chord theory; I really enjoy rhythm and fills as much as lead playing, and it is too underrated as a skill.

The good news is, I have developed my own style over the years, and I won't be confused with a guy who can play scales (and scales ony) a million miles a minute. The bad news is I'm not nearly the guitar player I could be having played for so long a time! Back to the good news: it's NOT competitive, I enjoy it profoundly and I've got the rest of my life to get better. After a certain proficiency level, it IS the journey that counts and whether you and your listeners are enjoying the results.

08-11-2004, 03:51 PM
been playing since high school (class of '76). started a band in medical school, strictly a "don't quit your day job" endeavor. stopped for 10 years. picked it back up when a slot for "rhythm guitarist" became available in a cover band 3 years ago. me and 4 other knuckleheads rehearse every thursday night with the rare paying gig. no girls. no groupies. I am not well versed in theory and i know my limitations but I can fit in with the other guitarist with the occasional solo. ich nicht bin ein shredder -

08-12-2004, 01:33 AM
Learned and started playing soph year in HS circa 76'. Playing has been more "off" than "on" :(
Music theory never a strong suite- I like the chord fretboard diagrams with dots showing where to put your fingers. Played enough to make the cut as rhythmn guitar for our HS Jazz band- basically wore out the grooves on my George Benson "Breezin" LP trying to copy licks and the pages of chords from the Mickey Baker Jazz book.

Gigged a few times one summer in a short lived attempt in a R&B garage band covering EW&F, Commodores, and Tower of Power
songs. We realized how bad we sounded after hearing and watching ourselves after a friend taped us with one of those newfangled VHS cameras ;)

Was dormant from playing thru college years and while chasing
the buck in Silicon Valley rat race. 18 yrs later I find myself yearning to play again and end up buying a Taylor acoustic.
( I had sold off my 79' Tele a couple years back for wedding funds and my 80' Ovation Balladeer top had sunken to the point of non playability- I never learned about humidifiers:p

I also discover the abundance of instructional VHS tapes now
available to re-learn at my own pace. One of the instructional tapes I picked up was "Funk Rhythm Guitar" by Ross Bolton. He was playing the coolest looking natural ash "strat type" guitar with and "A" on a beak shaped headstock.

The R&B Funk riffs just werent cutting it on the Taylor so the search for an electric was on. Shortly thereafter, roamed into Gelb Music, Redwood City CA and as fate would have it, they had ~ ten of those "A" logo guitars in house. I spend the afternoon with them obtaining an education on the fine art of Anderson Guitars- I was hooked.

Now at 43, I figure Im an " advanced beginner"
that plays along with CDs , songs on the radio and acoustic attempts at Hawaiian Slack Key. As time permits I remove the cellophane from some of the instructional DVDs I collect and
try to learn everything from Blues to Celtic DADGAD to
Doc Watson to the 101 Greatest Rock Riffs.


08-13-2004, 06:00 PM
:( Holy Tolido, its been 24 years???? On and off. Did most of my gigging when I lived in LA, it was just such a blast. I play as much as I can, Went to Grove school of music in LA, learned only enough to know I dont know squat before the school closed. I would have to say that my sound far surpasses my ability, so I have a good ear, and am an ok player all around, nothing to write home about. Playing gives my life balance and brings me joy in a crazy world. Wish I could gig more because that is what it is all about, but Santa Fe is not exactly a music mecca. :(
Every player of every level has his or her own musical voice. I love playing with and learning from other guitar players. A little frendly competition is always fun too.


John Price
08-14-2004, 05:24 PM
I can fret a few chords! or was that wind a few chords :D

08-14-2004, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by John Bell
I've been playing about 35 years.

A clip is worth a thousand words.

http://guitardiner/thewall/makeyomovemp3.mp3 (guitardiner.com/thewall/makeyomovemp3.mp3)

Nice clip, there, JB. Great tone, tasteful phrasing, good energy, playing the changes. I dig it.

Tom Gross
08-14-2004, 10:47 PM
I've been playing since Sept 25th, 1970.
The first 5 years was mostly bass, but guitar gradually took over. I gigged off & on thru the 70s, but it's mostly been playing at home and jamming with friends for a long, long time. I've played almost every day, tho.
In the last 10 years I've studied off & on, learned some theory, worked on some stuff. The more I learn, the more I find out I have to learn.
I can play fast. I don't know if I'm any good, but I can play fast. I think it's kinda fun.
To my ears, I'm kinda sloppy - a lotta clicks and clacks in there, and a few wrong notes. But I have a good time.
I love playing with and listening to other guitarists. I have something to learn from everybody.

So I guess I'm mostly a bedroom player for 34 years. I have great gear, great friends, and a great time playing. It's a wonderful world, ain't it?

Tom Gross
08-14-2004, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by killerburst
Nice clip, there, JB. Great tone, tasteful phrasing, good energy, playing the changes. I dig it.

I love John's playing. He's one of my faves.

Marty S Horne
08-16-2004, 02:29 PM
I've been playing about 42 years. I played in Tomorrow Morning which was signed to Casablanca Records about 6 weeks after Kiss (Ace Frehley was in an earlier version). I spent 2 years in Cyndi Laupers Blue Angel band recording 7 songs and co-writing 2 with her; did some session work with people like Candido (Wes Montgomery) and Lou Soloff (Blood Sweat and Tears). 2 US tours, French and Italian Rivieras, 3 national TV shows with Tony Curtis, Ben Vereen, Melba Moore, Dotti West, Larry Coryell; Opened for Judas Priest, Guess Who, Buddy Miles Express. I think my strong points are great timing and versatility. If I play country I sound like a country player; same for jazz, funk, rock, blues, and acoustic. I also realize I'll never be as good as the guys I look up to (see thread on favorite guitarists).

08-18-2004, 11:34 AM
I've been playing since 86 or 87. Actually I think I got my first guitar around Thanksgiving of 86. My first gig with a thrash metal band was a few years later.

I'm not as good as I should be. Lately I've started working on my lead chops more intently. I realize I should probably take some lessons again as my fingers will generally go where I want them to, its just that my knowledge is the limiting factor.

I will say that I feel I'm a strong rock rhythm guitarist - which I can attribute to learning hundreds of metal tunes back in the day. Those rhythms tended to be fairly complex, quick, and require a bit of endurance to play the entire song.

Here are some clips (http://www.crashlander.net/audio.htm) from my band, Crashlander. Most of the heavier guitars are me, along with the lead and melodies. My Cobra into a Tremoverb is mostly what you're hearing.

Darren B.
08-18-2004, 11:38 PM
I play guitar as well as Niel Young plays harmonica.

08-19-2004, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Darren B.
I play guitar as well as Niel Young plays harmonica.

That's funny, first thing I heard was "Heart of Gold. Neil is Neil I liked him best in CSN and Buffalo Springfield or with Crazy Horse. I'm sure your not as bad as Neil's harp.

Jimmie B