View Full Version : Not guitar related but...

07-06-2015, 10:34 PM
...can anyone give some advice or recommendation on how to set up an online photo album? I have taken a couple of vacations recently where I want to upload a couple hundred pics (per vacation) and then email a link to people so they can view them. I can't seem to find a simple to use site to do this. I have tried Picassa, Dropshots, Snapfish, etc. and I either can't figure out what I am doing or I put in a lot of work to create an album and it doesn't work out. For example with Picassa I created a slideshow with music and when I tested the link all it would ever say was video processing. With Drop Shots the link would not load all of the pictures I had put into the album.

I am curious to find out what other members on the site here use for this purpose.

07-07-2015, 07:16 AM
It is not an online album, but Dropbox is easy to use and space is cheap. Organize the pics into folders and share those folders with certain individuals, or send a link to certain pics only.

Another option that works similarly is Google Drive if you are already on Gmail, but not as functional for non Gmail recipients.

07-07-2015, 08:24 AM
OK thanks I will check them out. I am a gmail user so maybe Google Drive will work.

07-07-2015, 01:32 PM
Photobucket is great for this, just viewing online. When I posted some vacation photos, I used photo.net, of which I was a member.

And in my experience, 400 images is way too many, imho. whittle it down to just the best and everyone will think you're an extraordinary photographer, and might look at all the images.

07-07-2015, 08:55 PM
But what if they are all extraordinary, then what? Lol Actually I was just trying to save myself the time of sorting thru them all. Guilty as charged.