View Full Version : PH2 for middle pickup in Raven?

06-13-2015, 02:05 AM
Just today I got a previously-owned Raven. (Love it!) It originally came with a PH1- in the neck position and a PH2 in the bridge position. The previous owner had a H2+ put into the bridge, but I also got the PH2 with the guitar. I was going to put it back in, but then I realized that a middle pickup is an option in the Raven. However, the PDF configurator only allows selection of PQ-style (along with M, S, & V pickups) but not PH pickups.

I'm wondering if the PH2 could in fact be put in the middle. First, would it make sonic sense? Seems like it would to me. Secondly, is it physically and electrically possible? Again, it seems possible to me, but could I get an appropriate pickguard from TAG, or could the existing one be modified? And who could do this work for me?



06-13-2015, 04:44 PM
i've always tried to avoid a large middle pickup as it gets really crowded in there. we do 3 p style pickups but you really have to consider where the heck your pick is going to going with all three in there.

we never even considered 3 hb footprint as the combo sounds would be dark and muddy. the ph's would be like the pq's, but unless you've experienced it before and can say for certain the closeness wouldn't bother you, i'd steer clear.

06-13-2015, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the input, that makes sense. I didn't consider that the Raven still has a 3-way toggle even with 3 pickups, so there's no middle-only selection possible.

07-24-2015, 12:51 AM
I did put the original PH2 back in. The previous owner still had the original pickup, but didn't advertise it because the black plastic was badly scratched. He threw it in the deal for me at no extra cost, and all I did was to flip the black cover over, and it looks new.



I do have another Raven* on order with a SC1, SC1, HF1+ arrangement in it. If I want something even hotter, I'll put in the H2+.

*Superbird Plus (Mahogany body with a short scale, all-Rosewood neck.) Inca Silver with matching headstock, white pick guard with black hardware. 1 11/16" neck, even taper, heavy frets, trem, 3-Way Big Toggle with Cut and VA Booster, Add Middle switching.