View Full Version : Strandberg?

12-11-2014, 02:26 PM
So, I like all kinds of oddball stuff, and I've been fooling with 7 strings lately (on a cheapie used Ibanez I picked up a GC for experimentation purposes). I like it so far. Scales are pretty natural and chords are coming along. I ran across Strandberg Guitars. He has some pretty radical ideas about the instrument but I can't argue with the results I see in the video clips...

Anybody ever played one of these beasts?


Sean Ashe
12-15-2014, 05:25 PM
I have played a handful, a few ones Ola built, and a few that USA built. They are ok, the main issue I have with them is the neck (called Endur neck) which is supposed to give 'proper' guitar form for the left hand but for me it places my wrist at a very bad angle. It also simply just doesn't work for my personal vibrato/bending technique. I'm too used to the Even-taper i guess :)

And I found when I've played them that they're very hit or miss when it comes to resonance and sustain. The best one I played was the prototype made by Ola for the "Masvidalien" that guitar was cool. Not my thing, but still cool.

I've seen a few posts on forums such as sevenstring.org that talk about finishing issues, and even a few cases of the necks being misaligned and having to get the whole guitar replaced...so I would be cautious if you're looking into them.

That's just my 2 cents, hopefully it doesn't come off as overly negative. :)

12-16-2014, 01:39 PM
No Sean, that's not too negative.

You voice a lot of the concerns I have. The Endurneck looks like a cool idea and a lot of guys (based on the youtube videos) are getting good results, but I'm hesitant as well. My 3 favorite necks are (in no particular order) TA even taper, Suhr modern eliptical, and the Ibanez wizard neck. All are definitely on the thin side. Before I decided to order one, I'd take a roadtrip to one of the few shops that has them and take it for a spin.

I think the production issues are better now. He started out with Strictly Seven building his US models and there were some severe quality control problems. I've followed this a bit and have been impressed with Ola's efforts to make things right and correct the situation. I haven't heard anything about the Washburn Custom Shop models. I'm guessing that's a good thing?

We'll see. Maybe we can talk Tom into building a hollow, 7 string, fan fretted Angel with active pups :-). THAT would be cool! Oooh! Bora Bora blue burst with a maple fretboard?

01-11-2015, 11:55 PM
So, I like all kinds of oddball stuff, and I've been fooling with 7 strings lately
I have been hearing rumors of a 7 and 8 string headless guitar by Carvin (of all people) that is supposed to be introduced just before NAMM. The "Vader?"

01-13-2015, 05:15 PM
I have been hearing rumors of a 7 and 8 string headless guitar by Carvin (of all people) that is supposed to be introduced just before NAMM. The "Vader?"

I've heard that as well. Waiting...

Carvin seems to be popular among the 7 string crowd and seems to have upped their game. I've been seeing some pretty spectacular axes on sevenstring.org.

01-26-2015, 06:51 PM
Well, I did get a chance to try out those 7 and 8 string Vaders by Carvin at NAMM; their workmanship seems OK but man with a 20" radii those necks were flat and wide! Still, they seem reasonably priced. If you like thin necks, they may work very well for you.

I also saw the Strandbergs, and I agree with Sean that the necks just felt, well.....bizarre!

01-26-2015, 07:51 PM
we did get more input at namm about 24 fret 7 strings. seems like a bigger deal than expected, but then i am old so i get surprised a lot these days.

kevin h
01-27-2015, 08:51 PM
we did get more input at namm about 24 fret 7 strings. seems like a bigger deal than expected, but then i am old so i get surprised a lot these days.

I know the feeling.

02-02-2015, 11:41 PM
After playing a 7 for a couple of months (cheap used Ibanez i picked up a GC to fool with) I get it. I'll never get rid of my sixes, but the seven is fun.