View Full Version : Time for a little service

11-25-2014, 03:32 AM
Its time to take my lovely Drop Top Tigereye burst to my guitar tech and do som adjustments. I have noticed a little fretwear, not much and i think the neck can be checked. i also have some noisy tone/volumepots.
I ordered it in 2009, but have not needed any adjustments before now!! when i used my Fender Strat as my main axe it needed to be frettdressed every second year and neckcheck/intonation. My ears bleed when i hear a guitar who is not propper intonated!

I am a bit worried about 3 things! i dont think the local guitartech has done so many BF tuned guitars. i guess i will send with the offsets!
the frets are stainless. its a lot harder than nickel! and the last is that TA has a wedgie neck joint. dont think anything is nessesary than checking the screws!? My Drop Top from 97 have no fretwear!! but i dont think it was used much before i bought it in 2004. it propably has bin a bedroomguitar!

I am very impressed about so little fretwear since 2009 on my main guitar!
i never want a guitar with none ss frets anymore! And i also got adicted ti Buzz Feiten!

here is my main axe!

11-25-2014, 07:39 AM
Those SS frets are to die for aren't they!

beauty of a guitar.

If it were me, I'd be tempted to just pony up and send it back home for service unless I REALLY knew that tech was gonna do an awesome job.

11-25-2014, 08:38 AM
Those SS frets are to die for aren't they!

beauty of a guitar.

If it were me, I'd be tempted to just pony up and send it back home for service unless I REALLY knew that tech was gonna do an awesome job.

I think he is one of the best guitartechs in Norway, but its not many Andersons in Norway mostly Fenders Gibsons and other guitars with non SS frets! He have done exelent work with my Fenders and Tylor Accoustics and some other guitars!

11-25-2014, 09:05 AM
Oh, didn't realize we were talking about Norway. Yeah, shipping to and from California would be insane.

11-25-2014, 09:34 AM
Oh, didn't realize we were talking about Norway. Yeah, shipping to and from California would be insane.

Norwegian prices shipping Norway-California-Norway would cost almost the same as a new Guitar!:)

11-25-2014, 10:58 AM
if your tech has any questions i am happy to respond in email with him or her.

11-25-2014, 03:39 PM
Let.him do the setup but intonate it yourself.
It's so easy you should never need to pay a tech to do it.

Does your tuner have the offsets ?

My offer still stands with the Korg that Anderson used to recommend.
Free to anyone for the cost of postage.

11-26-2014, 12:59 AM
if your tech has any questions i am happy to respond in email with him or her.

Thanx Tom Anderson! I am so happy to own Tom Anderson guitars! Its simply the best guitars i have played. And I dont think there are guitarbuilders with better customer service! I have also learned a lot from this forum and its fantastic!
Thanx again Tom Anderson and Tom Anderson Guitarworks! :)

11-26-2014, 01:03 AM
Let.him do the setup but intonate it yourself.
It's so easy you should never need to pay a tech to do it.

Does your tuner have the offsets ?

My offer still stands with the Korg that Anderson used to recommend.
Free to anyone for the cost of postage.

I have intonated my Drop Top from 97, When changeing string gauge and tremolo springs. I used a Peterson and made the right offsets. No problem.
But all the other things i want a pro to do!

12-11-2014, 08:41 AM
Got it back from my guitar tech today, and the result was very nice! he got rid of som little fret wear and done a general check. straighten up the neck. now the action and frets was as smooth as it was new again!!

By the way he told me it was nice to have real quality guitars to repair, and that things really give results. he was tired of all the cheap guitars ordered on internet he told me. He told me they he liked TA guitars.. and he liked my guitar
It have become very dry, that was the reason the action and neck was wrong. The fretboard was needing oil. i played it for a long time now after i got it back! :)
But it was nice to get the chance to play my old Anderson too while my nr.1 was at service :)