View Full Version : Kind of frets

07-30-2004, 07:16 AM
Hi everyone

I'm new in TA guitarīs world.
I hope in a few days I will get my first TA classic.

I have a question that I donīt understand, that's the difference between frets.

I know there are medium, jumbo frets, stainless,.....

Where the difference is?, In sound ?, I suppose itīs the action but not sure.

Anybody could tell me about it?.
What itīs better for a TA classic?

Please, my english itīs not as good as I want, so, I would like the explain as clear as possible.

Thanks everybody

07-30-2004, 09:40 AM
Small, medium, jumbo, heavy, etc. are all references to the size of the fret wire, specifically the part of the wire that lies on top of the fingerboard. There is probably some measurable difference in sound, but I think most people choose their preferred wire based on feel. I like Tom's medium or heavy wire best. Some people like small wire like on old Strats. Some people like extra-jumbo frets like on '80s Jackson and Ibanez guitars.

Stainless steel refers to the alloy from which the fret wire is made. Traditional fret wire on most guitars is made from an alloy called nickel-silver (although it contains no silver). For the past couple of years, Tom has been using wire made of stainless steel. The difference to me is largely the feel and durability. They always feel like they were just dressed and polished, even after 100 gigs. I used to steel wool my frets on a regular basis because I HATE the feel of the oxidation that nickel-silver acquires over time, as well as the uneven wear marks they inevitably show. Now I don't have to do anything to my frets- they are always as perfect as the day the came out of Tom's shop. My guitars with stainless frets feel and sound incredible and it's difficult for me to consider purchasing a guitar without them now.

Which leads me to this: Tom, who can I go to for a SS refret on a non-TAG guitar (in the event a worthy non-TAG specimen ever makes its way into my small collection)? Any suggestions?

07-30-2004, 10:08 AM
I've asked this very question, too, my problem is that the guitar in question has binding on the fretboard, which makes it a pain. Perhaps not out of the question, but I'm not sure I even want to inquire about potential cost (not to mention whether it would even be considered as a project to take on).

Stan Malinowski
07-30-2004, 10:09 AM
who can I go to for a SS refret on a non-TAG guitar (in the event a worthy non-TAG specimen ever makes its way into my small collection


Jack Gretz is doing his guitars and refrets with ss frets. I'm going to drop off my 2 Fender CS Relics to him for to change over to stainless.

Jack told be the ss is tough stuff, he wore out a couple of frtes files on his first job. It seems you have to be more expensive, hardened files when working with stainless.

07-30-2004, 11:01 AM
I can see the binding would be an issue...no?

Stan Malinowski
07-30-2004, 11:18 AM
I can see the binding would be an issue...no?

Wouldn't binding be an issue independent of ss or normal frets? I thought the binding needs to be replaced when a replacement job is done on any bound neck?

07-30-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
Wouldn't binding be an issue independent of ss or normal frets? I thought the binding needs to be replaced when a replacement job is done on any bound neck?
For sure...I was just thinking of binding vs. no-binding.

After playing my Hollow T, I've seriously considered looking into that on some of my other guitars. Is that a huge bill when it's done? (Guess it depends on the guitar).

Stan Malinowski
07-30-2004, 11:29 AM
After playing my Hollow T, I've seriously considered looking into that on some of my other guitars. Is that a huge bill when it's done? (Guess it depends on the guitar).

Do you mean the ss refret + binding/rebinding the neck or just a ss refret?

07-30-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
Do you mean the ss refret + binding/rebinding the neck or just a ss refret?
Just the ss refret....

Stan Malinowski
07-30-2004, 11:46 AM
TAG charges $300 + shipping for the ss refret on a Andy. This is probably a good baseline, the cost at each Luthier will vary.

07-30-2004, 11:48 AM
That's good to know....thanks for the info, Stan!

07-30-2004, 05:31 PM
Really it's the best forum I've seen.

Thanks everybody for the information(Special thanks to killerburst).
