View Full Version : If you could only own 1 amp . . .

07-29-2004, 01:52 PM
If you could only own 1 amp that you currently own, which one would it be and why? I currently own 3 amps-a Bogner Uberschall, a Mesa Mark IV, and a Cameron Marshall SLP reissue. Without a doubt, I would keep the Cameron Marshall-ballsy, organic, sounds like a Marshall!!!!! The overdrive quality is warm unlike my Engl Savage that I sold off a month ago. Funny how if you had asked me this question a year ago, I would say, the Uberschall. But as I've told Mike Omiya, the Cameron Marshall has changed my thinking in terms of what I like about an amp. The Uber just has too much gain, making every guitar sounding similar whereas the Cameron is very transparent, yet still retaining a uniqueness about it.

07-29-2004, 02:07 PM
I would have to say one of my Marshalls also, I just don't know which one!

07-29-2004, 02:36 PM
Dr Z Maz 38 2x12 with Bluebells.

07-29-2004, 03:33 PM
Bogner Ecstasy Classic into a Z Best 2x12 cab loaded with V30s.

07-29-2004, 10:36 PM
Carr Mercury. It's quiet (very little hiss or hum, unlike most botique tube amps), the variable power output is great, I like the KT66 tone, and it's well built.

Scott Peterson
07-29-2004, 11:16 PM
I'll throw down for my Rivera Rake; owned since 1996 and never let me down. Been a back up since 1998 and has never complained either. :D

Stan Malinowski
07-30-2004, 06:17 AM
Tough choice! I think I would hold onto my modified/blueprinted Blackface Princeton Reverb. I am continually amazed at the tone and power that I can pull out of this little amp.

07-30-2004, 08:30 AM
For what I play, a blackface Super Reverb.

With tone and oneness, Mike.

07-30-2004, 08:59 AM
Man, that's a tough one! I guess it depends. If I could only have one amp to play gigs and do sessions it would have to be my Mark IV combo, since I can get so many sounds from it. But my favorite amp to just plug into and play for me is my Germino Masonette.

07-30-2004, 09:47 AM
I have been with my tweed Peavey Classic 30 since 1994.....over 1000 shows, has never failed me. I have it hotrodded with JJs and a recent addition of a Celestion Vintage 30.
I would like to get a DRZ but am broke..

07-30-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by BrownDog
For what I play, a blackface Super Reverb.

What Mike said....only a '71 Silverface (modded to blackface) :)

I've honestly never played through any boutique amps.:(

07-30-2004, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by tmihm
What Mike said....only a '71 Silverface :)

I've honestly never played through any boutique amps.:(

A good old Super hangs right in there with the boutiques. I have a blackfaced 74 that I'll never part with!

07-30-2004, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by joe1962
A good old Super hangs right in there with the boutiques. I have a blackfaced 74 that I'll never part with!
What I'd like to get my paws on is a Deluxe at a reasonable price. My tech has this ONE....oh my goodness. What a tone.

It has a person's name and a social security number....um...engraved into the FRONT control panel. 'Relicing' at it's best....and light years before Fender started doing it :)

07-30-2004, 04:30 PM
my 67 deluxe reverb

07-30-2004, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by bruce
I would have to say one of my Marshalls also, I just don't know which one!

100W, non-MV, 1971 Marshall Super Trem or 100W 1987 2555 Silver Jubilee

07-31-2004, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
100W, non-MV, 1971 Marshall Super Trem or 100W 1987 2555 Silver Jubilee

Hey braddah, what happened to you the last coupla days? Hope ya doing well. BTW-I have an all original early 70s Mk II 1987 coming my way. Hah, just joking-I thought that would get you going. :D

07-31-2004, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Hey braddah, what happened to you the last coupla days? Hope ya doing well. BTW-I have an all original early 70s Mk II 1987 coming my way. Hah, just joking-I thought that would get you going. :D

Seattle for work! man, I am glad we live closer to the equator. Actually it was around 81F in WA, but they really only see 60 days of sun/yr!!

Gary F.
07-31-2004, 05:11 PM
I'll weigh in with my Carr Imperial, now discontinued by Carr. With 2 12's and 60 class A watts, there's plenty of headroom and a big, tight low end, with a heavenly scootch of Vox chime on top. Takes pedals upfront very transparently, making it sound like whatever the song calls for (if that doesn't happen to be it's own voice). And at 50 some lbs, it's a heck of a lot less demanding to move than a stack or a Twin. It's smaller brother, the Rambler, gets a serious thumbs up, too. Possibly even a little bit more versatile at 28 watts.

08-01-2004, 08:15 AM
I'll second the Rambler Gary. I went through a lot of amp gas but I've had my Rambler for three years now and really have no desire for anything else. It does everything I need.

08-01-2004, 10:04 PM

Easy choice for me.

08-03-2004, 07:46 AM
I am totally in heaven with my Bogner Shiva. I switched it from combo to head and two 1x12 Bogner cubes. It sounds rich and full, the clean is awesome. I run it clean with pedals up front. :)

08-04-2004, 09:12 PM
An original Fender Tweed Bassman

08-05-2004, 12:00 AM
Probably my Matchless SC30, as long as I could keep my attenuator too :). If not, then probably my Aiken Tomcat which seems to be what I use with my band almost all the time now (and that's were I do at least 80% of my playing).

08-05-2004, 02:11 AM
Originally posted by LeonC
Probably my Matchless SC30, as long as I could keep my attenuator too :). If not, then probably my Aiken Tomcat which seems to be what I use with my band almost all the time now (and that's were I do at least 80% of my playing).

Leon, I know you've owned and own a lot of amps-so your assessment of the tomcat is amazing. How much gain does the tomcat have relative to your other amps? Thanks.

08-05-2004, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by pluto
Leon, I know you've owned and own a lot of amps-so your assessment of the tomcat is amazing. How much gain does the tomcat have relative to your other amps? Thanks.

Really, it's not because the Tomcat is mind-bogglingly good at anything...it's because it is quite good at so many things and because...I'm basically a Marshall guy at heart.

No realistic assesment would consider it a high gain amp. I'd say it has about as much as the Roccaforte Custom 80. Maybe a pinch more. This is a good deal of gain...still if I'm covering an EVH tune or a Neal Schon solo in a Journey tune (you get the idea) I'll kick in a clean boost to really push it over the top. What I typically do is is keep it's vol knob below 2:30/3:00 (because it will still clean up nicely from the guitar) with it's built-in gain boost on, and use my Blackbox Oxygen compressor as a clean boost to push it "over the top".

On my gear page, I've got a clip of the Tomcat - no pedals - doing an EVH tune. That'll give you an idea.

08-05-2004, 10:45 AM
Originally posted by LeonC
Really, it's not because the Tomcat is mind-bogglingly good at anything...it's because it is quite good at so many things and because...I'm basically a Marshall guy at heart.

No realistic assesment would consider it a high gain amp. I'd say it has about as much as the Roccaforte Custom 80. Maybe a pinch more. This is a good deal of gain...still if I'm covering an EVH tune or a Neal Schon solo in a Journey tune (you get the idea) I'll kick in a clean boost to really push it over the top. What I typically do is is keep it's vol knob below 2:30/3:00 (because it will still clean up nicely from the guitar) with it's built-in gain boost on, and use my Blackbox Oxygen compressor as a clean boost to push it "over the top".

On my gear page, I've got a clip of the Tomcat - no pedals - doing an EVH tune. That'll give you an idea.

thanks Leon. I'll check out the clip. I saw and enjoyed your video clip of you doing a vh song with the Roc 80, so I'm looking forward to this clip!

08-06-2004, 11:25 PM
The more I play my Mesa Lonestar the more I like it. It's diffinately old Mashall. I'm thinking about adding a reissue Super Reverb. Any thoughts in comparing vintage Super with the Reissue?

Jimmie B

08-07-2004, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by jimmieb
Any thoughts in comparing vintage Super with the Reissue?

Since that question has ow been aired....can anyone compare a vintage Deluxe with a reissue?

08-28-2004, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Leon, I know you've owned and own a lot of amps-so your assessment of the tomcat is amazing. How much gain does the tomcat have relative to your other amps? Thanks.

Hey Bruddah !

I'm sooooo glad you brought this one up - and that Leon responded...I've got my Splawn 1987x, and my Bogner 101b....and you know what - I play my Splawn 90% of the time...it just kills it in the in your face Marshall Dept. (duh - it's a Marshall:D )

Scored an unreal Les Paul and right now I'm in crunch heaven....heh - even my HDTC just screams with that amp it's low power pup loaded...

Anyway - thinking seriously of selling the XTC and getting a low watt some-thing-or-other, and pretty much all the Aiken stuff is on my list....I've yet to hear a bad comment about them - the attenuator on board is a great feature...a friend played the Sabre prototype and said I would be selling my XTC as soon as I heard it - but I dont think I need that much firepower and have been leaning towards the Invader or Tomcat....heh - with the money saved I can come back to the North Shore this winter:D

Let me know what else you've heard - and oh yeah, that will still be two amps I gotta have.....Waialua style all the way:D can read, or what?

Steve E

08-29-2004, 08:41 AM
Hey, what happened to all the rack guys? everybody plays heads/combos these days? anyway, i'll throw in my egnater IE4 preamp, the best marshall sound i've heard! creamiest sound i've heard. Now i am gassing all ovet a mesa strategy 400 power amp... oh and a soldano x99, noboly here likes soldanos???

John Price
09-05-2004, 09:44 AM
My pick would have to be the Mesa LoneStar Head! Running it into my Genz Benz G-Flex Cabinets....Feel the sponge!! :D


09-05-2004, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by John Price
My pick would have to be the Mesa LoneStar Head! Running it into my Genz Benz G-Flex Cabinets....Feel the sponge!! :D


Sponge Bob? Sorry your John... I love my Lone Star, I've got a 2x12. I take it you like the tube recto setting. Don't you wish you had 100 watts with a tube Rectifier? Are you using any pedals with it? I'm using a Fat Boost, SparkleDrive, and a Fulldrive 2 as
clean drive, overdrive, and distortion respectivly. I love the 2nd channel with the drive at 2 o'clock and the Fat Boost on. It cuts, very resposive, just the right amount of overdrive. It's a slow oscillating tube breakup, very throaty, great pick response. What's your take on the tone of the amp?

Jimmie B

John Price
09-06-2004, 09:39 PM

I have a crybaby, MXR phase 90 and a Peterson strobostomp in front of the amp! Soon to use the AC booster! and in the effects loop I'm running a boss chorus into the Boss DD20 w/tap tempo controller!
I use the tweed power all the time with channel 1 on 100 watts and channel 2 at 50 watts! tube rectifier on the 50 watt!! I also have the speaker jack connected to the 4 ohm output The cab is rated at 8ohm this does make a difference even on the combo!!! Channel 2 drive around 1:30 and the gain around 2 - thick position.....I'm getting that old Plexi Vibe or JCM 800 thing going on it's been pretty remarkable!

It's a different Boogie!!!:D