View Full Version : Swapping Pickups: question

08-26-2014, 06:51 PM
I want to take the HSS-loaded pickguard off my Classic S and put it on my DTC to see how it sounds. The DTC is loaded with M-series pickups, which are great, but I'm curious.

It seems to me I really don't need to do anything other than drop the Classic's pickguard into the DTC except that it makes sense that before I remove it from the Classic I should measure the space between the pickups and the strings, then adjust pickup height if needed to maintain the same distance when I drop the pickguard into the DTC.

Make sense? Anything I'm missing? Thanks.

08-26-2014, 07:39 PM
if they are both at least after 2006, they should be fine. if the non M equipped is older than that, there may not be clearance for the middle M pickup.

08-26-2014, 07:47 PM
if they are both at least after 2006, they should be fine. if the non M equipped is older than that, there may not be clearance for the middle M pickup.

Thanks Tom. Both are post-2006 guitars. I love them both, but am quite partial to the feel of the DTC, and have really been liking the versatilty of the HSS with the VA booster lately, so I think I'll combine them, see if I can open a door between universes. Or, failing that, make a pleasant sound.

08-26-2014, 08:03 PM
should be an easy swap.